Page 37 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 37

industrialnoise , butalsointroducetheconce p tof      Withoutfurthermessa g e , thewholefamil ywere
             p arksandp lantg rowthbein g madep ossibleinthe  indes p air. 17  filledourhome.ButDadwasstill
             mostunlikel yp laces.                            waitin g .Oneda y , atele g ram came.Itwasfromthe
            4.Whatisthesimilarit ybetweentheHi g hLineand     warde p artment.When Dadhelditinthehand , he
               Lowline ?                                    was 18 .Withtremblin g fin g ers , hetoreito p en.
               A.Offerin gconvenienceonl y for p assen g ers.  “ Hershelisaliveandiscomin ghome !” heshouted
               B.Plantin g thesamet yp esof p lantlife.       with  19 .
               C.Makin g fulladvanta g eofsolartechnolo gy .      When Hershela pp earedinthey ard , hewalked
                                                             slowl y toDadandhu gg edhimfiercel y .Dad , astron g
            5.WhichistrueofthefutureLowline ?
                                                              manwhoseldom  20  emotion , embracedhisson
               A.Itsanexcitin g trolle ystation.
                                                             andcriedo p enl y .Hissonwashome.
               B.Itsalon g Gtermo p enexhibition.
                                                             1.A.accident  g ain
               C.ItsasolarG p oweredunder g roundp ark.
                                                               C. q uarrel          D.meetin g
               D.Itsacit y landmarkabovetheg round.
                                                             2.A.disturbed          B.honored
            6.Wh ydidtheLowlineteamholdtheexhibition ?
                                                               C.defeated           D.encoura g ed
               A.Toconductsomep ro g rams.
                                                    g nu p          B.lookout
               B.Top rovethetechnolo gyworks.
                                                               C.wakeu p            D.setout
               C.Towinsu pp ortfromvolunteers.
                                                             4.A.understand         B.obe y
                                                               C.wait               D.hel p
            7.Whatstheauthorsattitudetowardstheconce p tof
                                                             5.A.sadness            B.fear
              theLowline ?
                                                      g ret           D.anno y ance
               A.O p timistic.     B.Unconcerned.
                                                             6.A.Unless             B.If
               C.O pp osed.        D.Doubtful.
                                                               C.Thou g h           D.Since
             Ⅱ. 完形填空
                                                             7.A.anxious            B.serious
                 M ybrother Hershelcelebratedhisseventeenth
                                                               C.ambitious          D.wild
             birthda yonJanuar y4th , 1943.Unex p ectedl y , there
                                                             8.A.Unconsciousl y     B.Undoubtedl y
             wasa ( n )  1 inm y famil y .
                                                               C.Eventuall y        D.Com p letel y
                 Seein gy oun gmenfromourvilla g eraceto j ointhe
                                                             9.A.heldon             B.brokeout
            arm y , Hershelwas g reatl y 2 .Hemadeadecisionon
                                                               C. g aveu p          D.wentawa y
             hisbirthda y to 3 forhisdut y . “ Youretooy oun g !”
                                                             10.A. g raduation g nature
             Dadre j ected. “ Im not ! Icant  4  !” HersheldeG
                                                                C.a pp lication p arture
                                                             11.A.carried           B.invited
                 B y thensoman yy oun gmenhadlosttheirlives
                                                                C.delivered         D.accom p anied
            inthebattlefield.Outofhis 5  oflosin ghisfirstG
                                                             12.A.Des p erate       B.Unable
             born , DaddidntwanttosendHershelofftowar.
                                                                C.Discoura g ed     D.Undecided
                 Thear g umentcontinued for months.  6
                                                             13.A.excitin g         B.interestin g
             Dadssi g naturewasnecessar y forhisservice , Hershel
                                                                C.shockin g         D.stran g e
             hadtop ersuadeDadtosu pp orthim.Withlittlep roG
                                                             14.A.brokendown        B. g oneawa y
            g ress , hebecameincreasin g l y  7  andim p atient.
                                                                C.brokenthrou g h   D. g onedown
              8  , Dadrealizedthatason who was unha ppy
                                                             15.A.doubt             B.sorrow
             wouldaccom p lishlittleathome.He  9  , thou g h
             withdee pworr y .                                  C.disa pp ointment  D.dis p leasure
                 Ontheda yof Hershels  10  tobe g inhis    16.A. g lor y          B.challen g e
            serviceintheNav y , Dad 11  himtotown. 12           C.sacrifice         D. p ressure
            tos p eakofhislove , Dad waiteduntilthelastmoG   17.A.Conflict          B.Ho p elessness
             ment , andp ulledhimti g htl y tohisheart.         C.Assum p tion      D.Ex p ectation
                 Oneda y twoy earslater , ap ieceof 13  news  18.A.nervous          B.i g norant
            cameovertheradio.Hershelsshi phad 14  ! The       C. p roud           D.calm
             numberofsurvivors wasunknown.Dadsface was     19.A.deli g ht         B.disbelief
            crum p led ( 扭曲) b y 15  ,“ Oh , no !”              C.confidence        D.determination
                 Sendin ghisfirstbornofftowarmustbeanenorG   20.A.hid               B.wasted
             mous 16  !                                         C.controlled        D.showed
               D.Turnin g industrialwastelandintog reens p ace.
                                                      —  1  8  —
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