Page 35 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 35

p athwherehehadlefthiscoatandshoes.Whilep utG   health yrelationshi p s withothers.Thesefriendshi p s
            tin gonhiscoathesli pp edhisfootintooneofhis     canp rovidesafeenvironmentsin whichindividuals
            shoes , butfeelin gsomethin ghard , hebentdownto
                                                             canthriveandhel pp romote g eneralwellGbein g . 1
            feelwhatitwas , andfoundthecoin.Astonishment          Knowy ourworth.
                                                                  Oneofthefirstste p sinbuildin ghealth yinterG
                 Hefixedhise y esonthecoin , turneditround ,
                                                             p ersonalrelationshi p sisunderstandin gonesvalue.
            andlookedatita g ain anda g ain.Hethenlooked
            aroundhimonallsides , butno p ersonwastobeseen.
                                                             orshehas , thebuildin gofrelationshi p scanbefounG
             Henowp utthemone y intohis p ocket , andcontinued
                                                             dedonthatknowled g e. 2 Ever y onehastalents.
            top utontheothershoe ; buthissur p risewasdoubled
                                                              Whenthis worthisdiscovered , a p ersoncanthen
             onfindin g theothercoin.Hisfeelin g sovercamehim.
                                                              makeuseoftheseskillsina pp roachin g inter p ersonal
             Hefellu p onhisknees , lookedu p toheavenandcried
            asincerethanks g ivin g , inwhichhes p okeofhiswife ,  relationshi p s.Ifsomeoneisag oodlistener , showin g
            sickand hel p less , and hischildren withoutbread ,  howtodevelo p thisskillcanattractrelationshi p swith

             whomthetimel y hel p , from someunknown hand ,  individualswhohaveaneedforthistalent.
             wouldsavefromd y in g .                             Reco g nizethevalueofothers.
                 Thestudentstoodthere , dee p l yaffected , andhis   3 Inahealth yinter p ersonalrelationshi p ,
            e y esfilledwithtears. “ Now ,” saidthe p rofessor ,“ are
                                                             bothp artiesshouldberes p ectedandfeelasifthe y are
             y ounotmuchbetterp leasedthanify ouhadp la y ed
                                                             valuedinthefriendshi p .Whencontributionstothe
             y ourintendedtrick ?”
                                                             relationshi pbecomeoneGsided , therelationshi p will
                 The y outhre p lied ,“ Youhavetau g htmealesson
                                                              movefromhealth y tounhealth y .
             whichIwillneverfor g et. ”                   
            5.Thestudentwantedtop la y the p oormanatrickto
                                                                  Anotherwa y tobuildhealth yrelationshi p sisto
               A.findthetruth    B.showhiswisdom
                                                             ues y stemsandlifest y les.Knowin gthatafriendwill
               C.amusehimself        D.teachhimalesson
            6.Afterfindin g thetwocoins , themanfelt    .    notre q uestsomethin g fromanindividualwillhel pto
               A.hel p less          B.interested            fostertrustintherelationshi p . 5 Therelationshi p
               C. p eaceful          D.thankful              cang rowonthisfamiliarit y .Trustcanalsodevelo p
            7.Wecanknowfromthe p assa g ethatthe p rofessoris
                                                             fromthesesimilaritiesandg oalon gwa y infosterin g
                                                             ahealth y friendshi p .
                                                              A.Ever y onehasworth.
               C.humorous            D.serious
                                                             B.Ahealth y inter p ersonalrelationshi p cannotbebuilt
            8.Whatdoesthestor y intendtotellus ?
                                                                ondishonest y .
               A.Asmallactofkindnessbrin g sg reat j o y .
                                                             C.Also , havin g thesamelifest y lecanp rovidealinkof
               B.Godhel p sthosewhohel p themselves.
                                                                familiarit y .
               C.Wherethereisawill , thereisawa y .
                                                              D.Betruetoy ourself.
               D.Actionss p eaklouderthanwords.
             Ⅱ. 阅读七选五                                        E.Seekoutindividualswithsimilarvalues y stems.
               HowtoBuildHealth y Inter p ersonalRelationshi p  F.Alon gwithunderstandin gonesworthisreco g nizG
                 Humanbein g saresocialcreaturesandthrive ( 茁  in gandunderstandin g theworthofothers.

             壮成长) inrelationshi p swithothers.Ahealth yp art  G.Herearesometi p stobuildhealth y inter p ersonalrelaG
            tobeawellGrounded , ha ppy individualisen g a g in g in  tionshi p s.
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