Page 32 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 32

题型三   完形填空

                                对点训练10 完形填空之说明文                                           ( 限时 15 分钟)

    体裁 说明文 话题          成年人学习外语      词数    308    4.A.Therefore  B.However
       C.Otherwise          D.Besides
       We humansloveto make com p arisons.On the
                                                       5.A.harmful   p erior
   market , we 1  tofindthebestones.Intheclassroom
                                                         C.res p onsible      D.thankful
  teacherscom p aretheir studentsto the   2  .And
   p arentscom p aretheirchildtohisorherp eersto  3    6.A. p ressure         B.control
   anideaofwhatis “ normal ” .                           C.discussion         D.consideration
        4  , com p arisonsofan ykindcomewithastin g ( 刺  7.A.ex p ress        B. p rove

   痛) forever y one.Whenp arentsmakeitcleartoan y one
                                                         C.satisf y           D.create
  thattheirchildis 5 toallotherchildreninallwa y s ,
                                                       8.A.disa pp ear        B.wait
  the yp uttheirchildunder 6 .Somechildrenwillobe y
   whenthe yarep ressuredto 7  theirp arentsneedfor
                                                       9.A.cases              B.words
   p erfection ; othersma y  8  , tr y in gtobej ustlikean y
                                                         C.wa y s             D.nations
   otherkid , or , betterstill , tobe j ustwhothe yare.Inother
                                                       10.A.den y in g        B.decidin g
    9  , p arentswhocom p aretheirchildtootherchildren
                                                          C. p redictin g     D.concludin g
   mi g htendu p 10 theirchildissomehow “ deficient ( 有
                                                       11.A.honest            B. g ood
   缺点的)” .And , a g ain , the yp ressuretheirchildtobe 11
                                                          C. p atient         D. p olite
   enou g h.
                                                       12.A. p rocess         B.conse q uence
       A mostdisturbin g  12  ofallthiscom p arin gis
                                                          C. p ur p ose       D.method
  thatit p ushes childreninto the destructive world of
                                                       13.A.traditional       B.scientific
   com p etition. “ Ina  13  culture , achildistoldthatit
  isntenou g htobe g ood — heorshemust 14  others ,”    C. p olitical p etitive
   writesAlfieKohn , ap arentin gex p ert.             14.A.defeat            B.acce p t
       Accordin gto Kohn , research doesnt  15  the     C.reco g nize       D.choose

  theor y that com p etition brin g s success.One after  15.A.test            B.challen g e
   another , researchershaveconcludedthatchildrendont pp ort         D.chan g e
  learn better   16   education is chan g ed into a    16.A.since             B.until
   com p etitive stru gg le.Com p etition p revents a childs
                                                          C.when              D.unless
   abilit y 17  notonl yeducationall ybutalsosociall y .
                                                       17.A.losin g           B. p ro g ressin g
       So ,   18   com p etition , coo p eration ! Instead of
                                                          C.showin g          D.reducin g
    19  other p eo p leschildren , p arentsneedtop a yclose
                                                       18.A.a p artfrom       B.becauseof
   attentiontotheirown , learnwhothe yare , discovertheir
                                                          C.asfor             D.insteadof
  interestsandtalents , andteachthem howtocoo p erate
                                                       19.A.shoutin gat       B.lau g hin gat
   withothers.The ywillneedrolemodelsto 20 them.
                                                          C.lookin gat        D.strikin gat
   1.A.see        B.touch
                                                       20.A. g uide           B.force
     C.sell      p are
                                                          C.invite            D.ex p ect
     C.model              D.overseas

   3.A. g et              B.use
                                                                 请完成规范练( 十)
     C.share              D.ex p lain
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