Page 2 - Timeline and Price - CMSA - ESA 05 06 19
P. 2

Projected Timeline

                               Phase 01                           VOID

             Development of Ideal Candidate Profile
                Brochure Design and Ad Posting

                                Phase 02                                                                    Open Window of Application

          Sourcing and Candidate Pool Development

                   K&A Conducted Phone Screens
         Presentation of Recommended Candidates

                               Phase 03                                                                                                                                                    Interview  Process

                   On-Site Interview  Preparation
                           1st Round Interviews
                          2nd Round Interviews

                                Phase 04                                                                                                                                                                                    Oer Stage

                             Background Check

                             Salary Negotiation

                                                                                        Wk. 1         Wk. 2          Wk. 3          Wk. 4          Wk. 5          Wk. 6          Wk. 7          Wk. 8         Wk. 9          Wk. 10

                     VOID                                     VOID                               Weeks 3-8                                Week8                               Weeks 9-11                                Week 12

          Ideal Candidate Profile                 Kick-Off Binder & Launch                   Open Window of                     Candidate Selection and                  On-Site Interviews                   Background Check, Refer-
                                                                                                Application                            Scheduling                                                                    ences & Offer
          During the launch of the                At the end of the second                                                                                           K&A’s team will work with
       recruitment, K&A’s team will             week, we will agree upon the           Once the brochure goes live,          Once the window closes, K&A               your team to assemble                   Once it is determined to
        work with key stakeholders               brochure layout and design,            the aplication window re-             will wrap up phone screens             On-Site Interview Binders,                which candidate your tea
         to define the Ideal Candi-                           and                        mains open for 30 days.              and recommend between six             including a list of questions             would like to extend an of-
                date Profile.                     K&A will advertise the po-            During this time, K&A will             (6) and twelve (12) candi-             for use by the panelists.              fer, K&A will initiate a back-
                                                  sition on agreed upon job            develop a sourcing and mar-            dates for on-site interviews.                                                  ground investigation includ-
                                                            boards.                    keting campaign to tactfully            Your team will then review,          A recruiter from K&A’s team              ing professional references.
                                                                                         grow the candidate pool.             and decide on which candi-             will be available to attend              K&A will also facilitate the
                                                                                                                               dates you would like to in-            and facilitiate the on-site             negotiation of the offer as
                                                                                                                                          clude.                             interviews.                               requested.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             A start date will then be de-

                                                             2                                                                                                                     3                                   termined.
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