Page 6 - Timeline and Price - CMSA - ESA 05 06 19
P. 6

PRICING                                                                                                COST OF SERVICES

         We are able to begin the recruitment process immediately upon receipt and execution of a contract or professional services agreement, or
                                                     purchase order, etc.                                                      Our professional lump-sum, Not-To-Exceed fee for the described executive search services for the Environmental Services Analyst position at
                                                                                                                               Central Marin Sanitation Agency is $9,000.  Our fee includes a significant discount to thank CMSA for its ongoing business and support over the
       A full schedule for conducting most executive recruitment efforts of this scope generally takes three to four (3 - 4) months to complete, allow-     course of several years and a 25% reduction excluding Phase 1.
       ing enough time for all phases of the process. As an alternative option we can seperate certain phases and leave others in a “pick and choose”

           PHASE 1: Launch, Brochure Design, Advertising                                  25% of Professional Fee

           Development of Ideal Candidate Profile                                                        1-2 Weeks
           Brochure Design                                                                                 1 Week
           Advertising Posting                                                                            48 Hours               PHASES                                                         AMOUNT                     TOTAL

           PHASE 2: Sourcing, Phone Screens, Candidate Recommendations                    25% of Professional Fee                Phase 1                                                           0                        $0

           Open Window of Application                                                                      30 Days               Phase 2                                                           1                      $3,000
           K&A Conducted Phone Screens                                                                   2-3 Weeks
           Assmebly of Applicant Materials Binder, including six (6) to twelve (12) recommended candidates  48 Hours             Phase 3                                                           1                      $3,000

                                                                                                                                 Phase 4                                                           1                      $3,000
           PHASE 3: Facilitation of Interview Process                                     25% of Professional Fee

           Scheduling of Selected Canddidates for the First Round of On-Site Interviews                    1 Week
           Facilitation of On-Site Interviews                                                             2  Weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Total             $9,000

           PHASE 4: Offer Stage and Conclusion                                            25% of Professional Fee

           Background checks                                                                               1 Week
           Negotiation of Terms and Conditions of Employment                                               1 Week

           Professional reference checks                                                                   1 Week

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