Page 33 - International Psychics Directory 2017
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        For daily horoscopes and planetary updates visit

       GEMINI                                              CANCER

          ove, creativity and    thought possible. Making      ome has always had    to stimulating Uranus’s
       Lpleasure could           dramatic changes to       Ha special place in       continued journey
       be liberally sprinkled    diet, exercise and sleep   your heart. Cancerians   through your Professional
       through your life from    routines could yield      prefer to spend time in   Sector. Keep breaking
       1 January to 9 October    impressive results. You’ll   familiar surroundings than   new ground at work; your
       thanks to generous        also have an opportunity   venture into public life.   free-wheeling leadership
       Jupiter’s tour of your    to land an engrossing job.   This will be especially   style will bring out the
       Romance Sector. Put       This will be a welcome    true from 1 January to 9   best in everyone. You
       work on the backburner    change of pace.           October when expansive    may have to provide
       in favour of amusement.                             Jupiter moves through     support to the staff as
       You’ve always had many    Serious Saturn will be    your Family Sector. Take   several may be on leave
       interests and not enough   moving through your      this opportunity to buy   or ill. That’s because
       time to pursue them. The   Relationship Sector for   your dream home, add     disciplined Saturn will be
       first nine months of the   most of the year. You’re   extensive upgrades to   touring your Employment
       year give you permission   a highly independent     your existing house or    Sector until late
       to do this. If looking for   sign reluctant to make   welcome new family      December. A cooperative
       love, you could find it with   long-term commitments.   members into the fold.   attitude could pay off at
       someone who adores the    Exchanging wedding        Once 10 October arrives,   the end of 2017 in the
       same artists, musicians   vows or forming a         your good fortune will    form of a raise, bonus or
       and writers. Have you     business alliance could   manifest when Jupiter     promotion.
       been contemplating an     be beneficial, lending    moves into your Romance
       art project? Get started   a much-needed sense      Sector, attracting        Power struggles will
       during this period to find   of stability to your   admirers from every       continue to erupt in
       immediate success. Have   personal life. If you do   corner. If you’re already   your personal life due to
       you been yearning to take   decide to form a union,   in a serious relationship,   commandeering Pluto’s
       an exciting trip? Book one   understand it will be   the final three months of   journey through your
       before mid-October for    binding as Saturn’s       the year could feel like   Relationship Sector. Do
       the best vacation ever.   powerful influence is     a second honeymoon.       your best to assert your
                                 difficult to destroy. On 19   That’s great news for   needs. Continually giving
       After 10 October, Jupiter   December, Saturn will   someone with your         in to your business or
       will move into your       move into your Intimacy   sentimental heart!        romantic partner could
       Health Sector, helping    Sector, prompting you to                            cause them to lose
       you achieve a level of    work hard to break down   Your career will continue   respect for you. You’ve
       wellness you never        barriers.                 to go gangbusters thanks   got a voice; use it!

         Professional Member of International Psychic Association  Weekly
         Professionally Certified American Tarot Board    Appearances on
         Accredited Tarot Reader, Medium and Reiki Master - IICT
         Mentor American Tarot Board  Reiki Master Practitioner  PTV Australia
         Member of International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)
        Mary is a Psychic Medium and Reiki Master who has been reading professionally for twenty-
        nine years. She offers comprehensive, detailed readings through her clairvoyant, clairaudient   43,000 Plus followers
        and clairsentient abilities. Mary also connects to passed over loved ones.  Mary’s reading
        style and delivery is down-to-earth and not fluffed up so you can use the insights to help you   on Facebook posting
        move forward.  As a reader and healer, Mary is empathetic and will deliver the readings with   “Daily Cards”
        compassion, love and honesty. Her reading style can be viewed weekly on PTV Australia.

          MARY LOUGHLAND     Face-toFace, Phone & Email Readings and Reiki Healing
                                 Based on Sydney’s Northern Beaches  Phone:  0435 861 921
                            Email:  Web:
                  Instagram – Mary Psychic Tarot Readings

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