Page 34 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 34

2017 YEARLY HOROSCOPES                            BY KELLI FOX

                          Kelli's favourite retrograde planets are Saturn and Pluto:

                                       they are good teachers in hindsight.

            LEO                                                  VIRGO

                ome powerful           Educational opportunities    ove and money may      Earned Income Sector
            Seclipses are slated       abound this year thanks  Lbe coming your            between 1 January and 9
            to rock your world this    to expansive Jupiter’s    way this year. Neptune    October. You are a natural
            year. A Lunar Eclipse on   visit to your Skills      continues its lengthy     craftsperson. During this
            10 February causes you     House from 1 January      tour of your Relationship   fruitful period, you could
            to break a bad habit or    to 9 October. Leos are    Sector, making you look   sell your handiwork for
            end a self-destructive     blessed with impressive   at your partner with rose-  a big profit; alternatively,
            cycle. Joining a support   creative talent and       coloured glasses. If you’re   you may land a high-
            group could make           studying with a talented   single, you may meet     paying job in the art, legal
            you feel happier and       teacher will help you take   someone special around   or hospitality industries.
            healthier than you have    your writing, painting    26 February when a Solar   Once 10 October arrives,
            in years. On 7 August,     or design abilities to    Eclipse showers you with   Jupiter will move into
            an intimate relationship   the next level. On 10     romance. Falling head     your Skills Sector, which
            will reach a crossroads    October, Jupiter moves    over heels for someone    greatly appeals to your
            due to another powerful    into your Domestic        spiritual, artistic and   intellectual side.
            Lunar Eclipse. This        Sector, allowing you to   intuitive will give you a
            is a great time to get     spend more time with      welcome sense of relief.   Home life may become
            engaged or married. If     your nearest and dearest.   Do you already have a   demanding. That’s
            you’ve already taken       This appeals to your      partner? This date could   because restrictive Saturn
            the plunge, you and        sentimental nature.       mark an exciting new      will move through your
            your mate may decide                                 phase. It’s possible your   Domestic Sector for most
            to end a way of life       Restrictive Saturn will   mate will get a fantastic   the year. Taking care
            that no longer supports    be moving through         raise or glamorous work   of an elderly relative,
            the relationship. This     your Romance Sector       assignment, prompting     special needs child or
            change should draw         until 9 December. Don’t   you to enjoy a luxurious   home-based business
            you closer together.       let your commanding       lifestyle.                will weigh heavily on
            Two weeks later, on 21     personality break your                              you. Fortunately, you’re a
            August, an empowering      partner’s spirit. Learning   You won’t only receive   service-oriented person
            Solar Eclipse may          to compromise is critical   money through a close   who takes pleasure in
            prompt you to embark       to your relationship’s    partnership, you’ll       making other people’s
            on a rewarding new         success. If you’re single,   also make quite a bit   lives easier. Your greatest
            beginning. A makeover      be willing to take a back   yourself. That’s because   challenge this year is to
            or cosmetic procedure is   seat to a love interest, at   expansive Jupiter will   put your own needs first
            also favoured.             least occasionally.       be moving through your    to avoid burnout.

        Infinite Wisdom                    International Award-Winning Psychic Medium ◦ Transformational Healer
                                           Author ◦ Registered Crystal Light Healer & Shell Essence Practitioner
               with Maureen Perry          Renowned Spiritual Medium and Clairvoyant, Maureen Perry has been published, heard
                                            on radio and seen on television. She is well known for her spiritual work throughout
            2010 Psychic of the Year (VIC)   Australia, as well as overseas. For over thirty years, Maureen has been doing spiritual
                                                readings and healings, as a clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient.
               Mobile: +61 408 385 019    Maureen is able to see, hear and sense Spirit on many different levels of vibration.
        Email:  Maureen‘s book, Long Lost Brother, is designed to bring help and hope to all who feel
                   lost and saddened after the passing of a loved one.

                          Psychic / Medium Michelle Conway. Over 25 years experience.
              Often referred to as the gentle psychic. Michelle’s reading are accurate, caring and sincere.
               “Wow... You are amazing. Thank you, yes, you have given me answers, peace and hope.” - Elseesa
                             “Michelle you are always spot on! Amazing!” - Tanya
        Michelle Conway                         Ballarat, Geelong and Regional Victoria
                                                Phone: +61 429 903 588
        Web:      Email:

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