Page 39 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 39
Give yourself time to
do things that nurture
and feed your soul.
Have a massage,
take a bath with
lovely oils, go for a
walk in nature —
anything that makes
you feel good.
being you. You are unique and challenge yourself to go down. Do this each day and
have a unique life purpose. further. Use your gift of October review what you have picked
You are important because prophecy to see into your Vibrancy up over the month. Seeing
nobody else can do what you future. Thinking of one how often you were right will
came to do. area at a time, take a deep October is about bringing help you trust your psychic
breath and ask to be shown energy for change. Each day, impressions.
in a dream how you can imagine yourself surrounded
July move ahead. Relax, close by clear, high, vibrational
your eyes and let go. The light, a light that connects you December
Guidance information may come to you fully with the entire universe.
in a flash or in a daydream. Focus on each place you go Openness to
You are not alone. You have Write it down and meditate on and see it clear and cleansed,
a team of spiritual guides or what that means to you. If it as you let go of anything that Opportunity
helpers who are here to assist does not come immediately, does not feel right. Touch on
with everything you do. They it may come overnight each person you meet and New opportunity and new
do not tell you what to do or while you sleep. Challenge imagine the communication direction is coming your way.
interfere with your free will, but yourself this month to have a being clear and enlightened. This month, ask for a keyword,
when you ask they will give an notebook next to your bed to If anything does not feel right, picture, feeling and dream or
opinion or impression to help write down your dreams the ask how it can be healed; then inner knowing for each month
you. In your meditation, ask second you wake up. see it as changed. Imagine a through 2018. Use these as
your guides to come close and vibrancy in your day with every your personal pivot throughout
give you a feeling, a vision in experience and every person the year ahead. Be open to
your mind’s eye, talk to you September you meet. receiving ideas or information
with words or thoughts, or give that, when you write them
you the ‘inner knowing’ that Mindfulness down, may not make sense.
they are there. Stay open to Over the coming year, you
notice when you sense them This month, be mindful of November may be surprised at how
and mentally ask why there your thoughts, your actions, Self-trust psychic you really are when
are close or what message your words and your energy. you see them unfold.
they have for you. Are you centred in the now How sensitive are you? How
with positive and helpful often have you received
thoughts? Are you dwelling in insight into something, but
August the past or worrying about the ignored it, then wished you Julie Jara is a holistic healer
future? Bring your attention and spiritual consultant who
Challenge to the NOW and enjoy each had paid more attention when helps people unfold their own
moment. Put the phone away, it turned out to be true? In your inner wisdom by connecting
This is a time to go beyond. turn of the TV and practise daily meditations, focus on with their spiritual guides. For
Choose a few areas in your being fully present. Stop situations or people. Notice more information visit www.
life, of the highest priority doing and start being. how you feel, what thoughts
right now, where you could come up, and write them