Page 41 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 41
much emotion this year, my
friends, and open to all the Tomorrow’s News Today
positive details that will teach
us really well over the next Top Predictions for 2017
twelve months.
A global year affects A new conflict arises in the Financial crisis and recession in A large earthquake in June
everyone of us, so a Mediterranean and the Middle USA will prompt a shift of power. affects Tokyo but will not cause
warning comes with our East which triggers a new – Suzy Cherub a lot of damage there. Large
Number One year. Anybody refugee crisis. Iran and Turkey quakes affect Indonesia and
who fails to take the best comes to me. Immigration Wikileaks will continue to stir up central China in the middle
interests and feelings of becomes a major challenge with trouble for English politicians. of 2017 with the most major
others into consideration thousands of refugees escaping An unlikely 'innocent' target will damage being in China. There
will create bigger problems chemical warfare, destruction and quietly leave political life. will be small quakes with
for themselves. Ego and poverty. Chemical and biological – Linet Amalie minimum damage in Central
arrogance have no place this attacks start to happen around There will be a changing of the Australia and New Zealand.
year, and those who try to the world. This prompts world guard in many European countries – Elisabeth Jensen
‘push’ the envelope will find leaders to try and disempower including Germany and Italy. There will be some kind
all the negatives coming back chemical warfare with some – Suzy Cherub of breakthrough to do with
to confront them. We are success. Tasmanian tigers.
being forced to live together – Suzy Cherub Bob Hawke will be in the news – Leela Williams
happily, no matter how We will be largely free from Isis in May.
different we are, so why don’t by June 4. Australia is very safe – Leela Williams Coffee crops destroyed and a
we try to make the most of it from any problem from Isis. Australia will slide into a recession rise in coffee prices.
so we can learn and flourish – Wagih Samweil in 2017 owing to global financial – Suzy Cherub
together? upheaval in February 2017.
A plane will go missing in bad – Francis Bevan A scientific breakthrough will
Walking a straight line weather in South America and be result in a new solar energy
this year and opening our found over mountains. A major bank will experience a system that will be cost effective
hearts to assist others will – Linet Amalie severe cyber hacking situation and efficient. This discovery will
create success in our own that will dramatically impact on also cross over into the medical
undertakings. A major shakeup ahead for Prime many of their customers. industry as ‘solar medicine.’
Minister Malcolm Turnbull will see – Suzy Cherub – Suzy Cherub
us heading to an early election.
I hope you have a fabulous – Francis Bevan The Australian dollar will go down Prince Harry will marry amid the
year. and pick up again in September disapproval of the British Royal
There will be several last-minute 2017. family.
attempts to stop Donald Trump – Wagih Samweil – Francis Bevan
Robin Stein is author of Your becoming President of the USA.
Child’s Numerology, The If he successfully overcomes There will be a tsunami warning Catherine, the Duchess of
Numbers of Love and The these he will not last in the role for the East Coast of Australia Cambridge, will become pregnant
Complete Numerology of Love. for more than a few months. following a large earthquake. and give birth early in 2018.
– Elisabeth Jensen – Linet Amalie – Linet Amalie
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