Page 42 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 42



            As the Wheel Turns

            By Doreen Van Boxtel  |  Image by Aaron Pocock

                                                                                           that a major cycle has been
                                                                                           completed and that we are
                                                                                           now ready to begin a new

                                                                                           The waiting is over. It is time
                                                                                           to start something new or
                                                                                           improve what you have.

                                                                                           Start that new business
                                                                                           you have been thinking
                                                                                           about, or add something
                                                                                           new to improve your
                                                                                           current business. New job
                                                                                           opportunities are likely if you
                                                                                           are unemployed or just fed
                                                                                           up with your current job. An
                                                                                           addition of a new baby or a
                                                                                           new pet to your family will be
                                                                                           possible. It is also the year to
                                                                                           extend your existing house
                                                                                           or move to a bigger one if
                                                                                           you need to.

                                                                                           New study and training
                                                                                           courses can help you expand
                                                                                           your skills and expertise.
                                                                                           It will also be a great time
                                                                                           for travel. Finances will
                                                                                           increase, possibly with a pay
                                                                                           rise, a lottery win, financial
                   he year 2017 will   Last year forced us to sit   this indicates a time to get   rewards in business or
                   bring movement      back and reflect upon our   moving. More energy and   perhaps an inheritance.
                   and change—a turn   lives: How did we get to this   enthusiasm is required if you
            Tfor the better of the     point? Where are we going?   want 2017 to be a positive   A busy year is ahead. Get
            wheel of fortune. Anything   This isn’t a bad thing really.   year.            ready for a new chapter in
            can happen, so just try    Some people just never take                         your life and most of all,
            and go with the flow. Keep   the time to stop and take   The Wheel of Fortune is   have fun.
            optimistic and have faith   stock and work out what they   often seen as a karmic
            that everything will work   really want from life.   card—what goes around
            out positively.                                      comes around. So, keep a   Doreen Van Boxtel is a
                                       The Wheel of Fortune card in   positive attitude and do the   psychic and master teacher
            Life is constantly moving and   the tarot is ruled by Jupiter,   right thing by other people.   of Reiki, Seichim and Chios
            changing. We all have good   the planet of opportunity,   What you do is your karma,   who has been passionate
            times and challenging times;   expansion and good fortune.   and how others react is their   about tarot and numerology
            it is part of growing spiritually.   Jupiter also rules Sagittarius,   karma.  for over twenty-five years.
            If we had everything we    which brings in the influence                       Visit her online at www.
            wanted in life, what would we   of travel and higher learning.   In numerology, 2017 adds for more
            learn? NOTHING.            Sagittarius is a fire sign, and   to a number 10, indicating   information.

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