Page 46 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 46


         Robin Stein                          Psychic Healer & Intuitive Homeopath
           Recipient of                               Animal Whisperer & Healer
          The Hall of                 Psychic Medium,                    Writer, Teacher, Speaker
          Fame Award             Tarot Readings, Numerologist          Lectures & Demonstrations.
             2012             Specialising in assisting infertile women to conceive naturally with a 95% success rate.

            Phone Robin on 0411 28 88 09.  New website & Online shop:

            We are The Lighthouse. We shine light across the sea and
            can see far across the sea of time. Our clients are like ships
            journeying on the sea of life. It is sometimes stormy and
            they cannot see through the fog. I guide my clients when
            they get confused and are not sure of which way to go. We
            shine the light of knowledge so they can steer away from
            the storms to calmer waters. I hold the light high so others
            can see through the mists and navigate into the future. I
            cannot steer their ship for them, but I can light their way.

                                                 – Joy Atkinson
                              2016 Psychic Hall of Fame Recipient
                         The Lighthouse Spiritual Centre, Sydney

              SUZY CHERUB

                 PSYCHIC OF THE YEAR
                            AUSTRALIA 2014

            Psychic Medium Healer Visionary

    Following serious illness and near death experiences, Suzy Cherub realised
    her life mission is to guide and heal others. Suzy has developed her natural
    mediumship over a lifetime and runs a professional full-time psychic healing
    practice in Canberra ACT. Most of her clients are repeat and referral.

            Suzy utilises psychic tools but does not rely on these,
                 as her ability is powerful enough on its own.

          Angelic Reiki Master Teacher • NLP Practitioner

         Advanced Theta Healer • Certified Angel Intuitive
       Classes & Workshops • Live Shows • Spirit Coaching

     Private psychic consultations from Suzy’s home studio in Canberra, ACT.
               Phone and Skype readings available by appointment.
                         Connect with Suzy on Facebook.
            Book online at

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