Page 43 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 43


       Palmistry: Loops

       By Kalyi Amoto

             ike fingerprints,   Mercury fingers, but instead   their personal appearance,
             loops are skin      of lying vertically it lies on   which might be why it was   Loop of
             ridges and never    an angle. It used to be   called the Loop of Vanity by   Imagination
       Lchange their             called the Loop of Vanity,   older palmistry schools.
       patterns throughout our   but now modern palmists                             (F)
       lives.                    have renamed it the Loop of
                                 Style. People with this loop   Loop of              The Loop of Imagination
                                 have a good eye for design,                         comes off the percussion edge
       Loop of                   colour and form. A sense of   Memory (E)            of the hand into the Mount of
                                 aesthetics is very important to                     Luna. Subjects with this loop
       Rajah (A)                 them; they need to decorate   This loop is found near the   are said to have imagination
                                 their living space in their own   end of the Head Line. People   and intuition that seems to be
       This loop lies between the   style and it would distress   who have this loop are said to   used more purposefully if it’s
       Jupiter and Saturn fingers. It is   them to live in unpleasant-  possess a good memory. They   closer to the Mount of Mars
       supposed to bring power and   looking surroundings. They will   have the ability to keep in   (i.e. closer to the little finger
       status. People with this loop   often dress in an original way,   contact with people from their   rather than the wrist). A whorl
       are quite often good-looking,   not following fashion. Quite   past to help them in business   on this mount indicates strong
       successful and arrogant. It is   often, people with this loop   and on a social level.   psychic gifts. Loops in the area
       said to mean royal blood or   take a great deal of care over                  of Luna also indicate a love of
       descent from a leader.                                                        nature and outdoor pursuits.

       Loop of Hard

       Intent (B)
       This loop is found between
       the Saturn and Apollo fingers.
       It indicates a person who
       takes things seriously, makes
       an effort to read, learn and
       understand, and is a hard

       Loop of
       Humour (D)

       Situated between the Apollo
       and Mercury fingers, this loop
       shows a person has a sense
       of humour and can see the
       funny side of life. They often
       have a love of words, writing
       and communicating. If the                                                        Kalyi Amoto is a palmist who
       centre of the loop forms a                                                       combines channellings from spirit
       whorl, it may mean talent for                                                    guides, past-life information,
       foreign languages.                                                               mediumship and Lenormand Oracle
                                                                                        cards in her readings. She teaches
                                                                                        palmistry and psychic development
       Loop of                                                                          courses through her School of
                                                                                        Psychic and Spiritual Knowledge.
       Style (C)                                                                        For more information visit www.
       This loop is also found
       between the Apollo and

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