Page 45 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 45


       Design by Intent

       By Bryan Johnston

                                                                  o bring my vision   something good. The number
                                                                  of an integrated   6 is considered heaven’s
                                                                  health centre      number and is therefore one of
                                                           Tinto reality I           the luckiest, helping to vanish
                                                           designed every aspect     obstacles in life and smooth the
                                                           with intention. I chose   path to good chi. When good
                                                           the colours, the layout   chi (life force or energy) flows
                                                                                     through the body it attracts good
                                                           and the fish tank in the   living. The number 8 belongs
                                                           waiting room of Health168   to the earth element and gives
                                                           to increase chi and       the other numbers stability and
                                                           attract positive change   foundation.
                                                           and good fortune to us
                                                           and our clients. When it   So, the name Health168 means
                                                           came to deciding on a     ‘a healthy start of something
                                                           name, I applied the same   good, blessed with good chi to
                                                           principles.               attract a lucky and prosperous
                                                                                     future of auspicious health and
                                                           Dit Ta medicine, my healing   wealth’. And, that is the energy
                                                                                     with which everything we put our
                                                           technique, has Chinese Buddhist   name to is imbued.
                                                           lineage. In Chinese culture,
                                                           the number 168 is auspicious
                                                           and celestial in nature. It is
                                                           the number that brings luck,   Visit Bryan at Health168,
                                                           happiness, wealth and good   294 Montague Road, in
                                                           health.                   Brisbane’s West End,
                                                                                     or online at www.
                                                           The number 1 refers to the
                                                           beginning. In feng shui, it
                                                           typically represents the start of

       Praying for Change

       By Linet Amalie

               y type of prayer   Prayer is linked to love and   up of fluid, so it is logical that
               could be totally   the desire for something   directing love to others has the   Visit Linet Amalie at www.
               different to yours   better, something more or   capacity to create a positive
       Mdepending on the         something blessed. A prayer   transformation—and even
       context and how you were   for someone else is an   a subtle change can trigger
       taught to pray. Many don’t   earnest connection between   greater things.
       realise there is more than   you and another, and it is the
       one way to pray, and some   connection that is important.   Overall, by human nature, we
       others cannot separate    Regardless of religion or faith,   care for our fellow beings. This
       prayer from religion.     sending love or well wishes to   is evident by days of prayer
       However, having positive   someone is a powerful prayer   planned to help others. It
       intentions for someone    that comes from within your   doesn’t matter what religion or
       and asking for or sending   soul.                   faith you belong to. If you can
       them healing or blessings                           send out positive thoughts,
       is a type of prayer. Giving   Have you seen water crystals   feelings and healing to others,
       heartfelt thanks for what   changing shape when positive   you have the power to change
       you have received is      thoughts are directed to them?   another being’s life at a
       another.                  Our bodies are largely made   subconscious level.

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