Page 47 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 47
Ego is not a dirty
word, or is it?
by Suzanne Newnham
he theatre is your ability. A psychic needs to do with lifestyle balance and If another psychic gives a
set, lights in the confidence to be able to delve goals rather than confidence. similar message, then that is
auditorium dim. into the unknown and convey In either setting, ego can be a the energy surrounding you. It
A grand entrance information that might have factor. can be confronting. You might
Tis made. The a far-reaching impact to the dismiss the reading. Whether
charismatic, out-going recipient. Everyday insecurities Happiness and you take on the message
personality, advantageous might influence a psychic in is up to you. It is absolutely
for the stage, embraces the their mundane life. But, in a Satisfaction your choice. If a psychic is
applause with a huge smile. reading, their trust in spirit goes There is a difference between upset, disappointed or feels
The flamboyance settles as the beyond those insecurities. being satisfied and being happy personally rejected because
medium prepares to channel Many psychics report feeling an with a reading. It is not always you don’t accept their guidance
spirit. As they become the inner strength during readings. possible to be happy because categorically, perhaps they
conduit for information and Life outside that session is of of the nature of the information. need to look at why they are
energies, their ego disappears. no consequence. Ideally, it is all When a psychic provides doing this type of work.
Likewise, a psychic in a market about the message. enough specific detail in a
place or a private reading reading you can be satisfied it is A reading is not about unduly
space becomes a messenger Self-confidence is enlightening influencing someone or straight
devoid of self. Once a reading and uplifting for self. It is also not a generic bundle of words. up telling them what to do.
starts, all ego and personal a beacon of light and strength A reading might shine a light Interpretation needs to be
investment into that session is that helps motivate and support on your possible future or give objective. It is not appropriate
hope, clarity, or useful guidance.
SUZY CHERUB put on hold. It is the message others. Confidence is not There are many ways a reading for a psychic to allow a reading
not the messenger that is
important. about being out-going. People can be beneficial. There is no to be influenced by their own
can be quietly confident. An guarantee of being happy with viewpoint or experience. It
PSYCHIC OF THE YEAR To borrow the title of a classic introspective personality may the information that comes is about giving someone the
prefer to connect to people
tools, understanding, strength
Australian song of the 1970s,
AUSTRALIA 2014 Ego is not a dirty word. But through a small, private or information to make strong
things can get muddy if the practice. A psychic who is more If the contents of a reading choices for themselves.
influence of one’s ego is outgoing might choose to give fall short of your desires or if
Psychic Medium Healer Visionary detrimental to someone else. large public demonstrations. a timeframe given is too long Whether it is under the spotlight
or by secluded candlelight,
There are psychics on
or too short, then you may be
From an intuitive friend to a
professional reader, it’s the television, in magazines and on unhappy with the information, ambience can set a mood
Following serious illness and near death experiences, Suzy Cherub realised message that is important. Ego billboards. Others opt for low- but that does not mean you are of anticipation. However, a
her life mission is to guide and heal others. Suzy has developed her natural plays no part in a reading. key exposure. This has more unhappy with the messenger. psychic’s energy and their
method of communication
mediumship over a lifetime and runs a professional full-time psychic healing There are many branches and delivery, are also part of
practice in Canberra ACT. Most of her clients are repeat and referral. of psychic and spiritual “It is the message not the the atmosphere. If you feel
communication, as well as comfortable with someone it
Suzy utilises psychic tools but does not rely on these, types of ability, training and messenger that is important.” can foster a positive psychic
experience. When you are
various levels of connection.
as her ability is powerful enough on its own. In this article, I use ‘psychic’ looking for direction and options
when referring to a person in your life, I believe it is the
psychic’s role to be of service –
Angelic Reiki Master Teacher • NLP Practitioner with an ability to connect and without ego.
communicate beyond the
Advanced Theta Healer • Certified Angel Intuitive earthly realm with or without the
aid of divinatory tools.
Classes & Workshops • Live Shows • Spirit Coaching Suzanne Newnham is an
author, trance medium and
Ego and Confidence health advocate (chronic pain).
Private psychic consultations from Suzy’s home studio in Canberra, ACT. Ego means ‘I’ in Latin. It is Her published works include
Phone and Skype readings available by appointment. basically about self. Ego Ethics of a Psychic Reading,
numerous short stories and
Connect with Suzy on Facebook. motivates. It pushes and magazine articles. She is the
focuses. It is a great attribute, co-author of two novellas. For
Book online at unless it operates as self- full details on Suzanne’s books
interest to the exclusion
of another’s wellbeing. and activities go to: http://
Confidence is having faith in