Page 48 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 48


             The International Tarot Foundation

             Presents the CARTA Awards

            The CARTA Awards were established in 2010 with the aim
            of recognizing excellence within the world of Cartomancy.
            Congratulations to the winners for 2015.

            Best Author for a Tarot:           Best Illustrator for a Tarot:      Honorary Winners of 2015
            Scott Alexander King, The Bohemian   Judith Mackay Stirt, Cook’s Tarot
            Animal Tarot                                                          Lynn Araujo
                                               Best Illustrator for an Oracle:
            Best Author for an Oracle:         Claudia McKinney, Chronicles       For demonstrating compassion as
            Sky Cybele, Mythical Creatures Oracle  of Destiny Fortune Cards       well as embracing and serving as an
                                                                                  inspiration to many people within the
                                                                                  Tarot community.
            Best Collaboration of a Tarot:     Best Lenormand/Kipper Deck:
            Ann Moura and Kiri Leonard, Green   Egyptian Lenormand
            Witch Tarot                                                           Tarot Pink for Cancer
                                               Best Oracle Deck:                  For spreading awareness throughout
                                                                                  the world by the means of art and the
            Best Collaboration of an Oracle:   Wisdom of the Oracle               heartfelt ensemble participation of its
            Jasmine Becket-Griffith, Amber Logan                                  creators.
            and Kachina Mickeletto, Myths &    Best Publisher:
            Mermaids: Oracle of the Water      U.S. Games Inc (U.S.A)
                                                                                  Robert Place
                                                                                  For his inspirational work as an author
            Best First-work for an Author:     Best Tarot Deck:                   and an illustrator that has set an
            J. R. Rivera, Beautiful Creatures Tarot  Beautiful Creatures
                                                                                  example to other creators.
            Best First-work for an Illustrator:   Best Text for Divination:
            Nefer Khepri, Egyptian Lenormand   Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen     Blue Angel Publishing
                                                                                  For producing publications with
                                                                                  everlasting high and durable quality,
                                                                                  not just domestically, but internationally.

                                                                                  We look forward to the 2016 CARTA
                                                                                  Awards. For more information visit

                                                                                  The 2015 CARTA awards supported by

                                                                                  These decks and more available at www.

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