Page 40 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 40


            The Numerology

            of 2017

            by Robin Stein

                   his year will be    even if it’s only an hour. It is   And in this way, the One and   through our own personal
                   vastly different    important downtime for them   the Two can come together   experience of life. I also see
                   to 2016 as the      to regroup.               beautifully.              the Zero as an egg, indicating
            TNumber Nine                                                                   a new birth. And this means
            global vibrations change to   If we look carefully at each of   Many personal relationships   that each and every one of
            Number One, creating the   the numbers of 2–0–1–7, we   could fall by the wayside   us will have an opportunity to
            beginning of a brand new   see that it includes and also   this year if couples find it   rebirth themselves throughout
            nine-year cycle.           reduces to a Number One.   impossible to work with   this year and to create
                                       So how does this affect the   each other. But if you can   new beginnings of a more
            Number Nine is a           Number Two vibration at the   manage to communicate   personal nature.
            humanitarian and           beginning of these numbers?   without emotion, you will
            magnanimous number that    In actual fact, it creates   be able to create a strong   The Seven is also a spiritual
            includes everybody and     great conflict between the   and enduring relationship.   vibration and I see it as a
            tries to make life better   ‘I am’ of the strong Number   Of course, communicating   number that represents
            for all people, whereas    One, and the ‘we are’ of the   anything without emotion is   karma because people who
            Number One thinks mostly   mutable, more flexible and   not so easy for those with   have the Seven strongly in
            about themselves, stands   overtly loving Number Two,   the Number Two vibration   their charts tend to be rebels,
            tall and says, ‘I AM and my   as the ‘I stand alone’ feelings   strongly in their chart, and   who only seem to learn
            independence will endure   of the One try to dominate,   we may even notice this   through their ‘own’ experience
            because I do as I like. I like   or simply walk away from   globally as well.  and not through the
            what I do and nobody will   the gentle, more spiritual                         experience of others. In fact,
            stop me.’ Of course, many   Number Two.              Interestingly, the four   the Seven will sometimes
            gorgeous people are born                             numbers of 2–0–1–7 contain   go out of their way to do the
            with a Life Number One. And   This means that a giant   three spiritual numbers: Two,   opposite of what they are
            please don’t forget that every   magnifying glass will bring   Zero and Seven. This means   told. Those who believe they
            number has its negatives   relationships of all kinds   there will be a greater focus   can do as they choose this
            and positives. A negative   into very sharp focus over   on karma and spirituality, and   year may find karma coming
            Number One may be quite    the next twelve months.   studying subjects that enable   down on their heads if they
            selfish, and perhaps we    And I believe that this year   people to see their path very   go against universal law, lack
            will see this throughout the   especially, humanity will   clearly. The Two brings the   integrity or are insensitive
            year as the stresses of living   have plenty of opportunities   ability to look at both sides of   or cruel to others. We have
            bring out the worst in people.   to learn how to balance their   any situation, as well as an   reached a time in the history
            The positive Number One    need for love with their need   affectionate gentleness.  of mankind when all of us can
            is a true and natural leader,   for independence. Groups                       ascend to a higher frequency
            strong and independent and   will be created where each   I see the Zero as a   if we are living consciously.
            often a free thinker as well.   person within the group   representation of our planet,
            All Number One people      works toward ‘one’ goal with   where so much karma can be   So please try to walk lightly
            love to have time alone,   great heart and passion.   experienced and understood   on the earth, without too

         Sylvia Mullan         The Angels  Whisper and Sylvia  speaks  their words  so you receive  the full
         Profound Messages     extent  of their wisdom.  Sylvia  is humbled to be able deliver  detailed  messages from
                               the  Archangels  and  departed loved  ones  who  may  step  forward during  your  reading.
          Port Augusta, SA     Sylvia is a committed, experienced  reader  who  specialises  in  mediumship,  grief and
                               loss counselling,  and facilitates  Louse Hay  You Can Heal Your Life  and  other  workshops.
        P: +61 (0) 429 869 571       Trained in Reiki, Counselling, Nursing. Qualified Trainer and Assessor.          Readings available face-to-face, by phone, Skype or Email.

                    The universe, life on other planets and the physical body are explained by the Masters of Light and members of
                   the Inter-Planetary Galactic Federation in this exciting, new book. Factual and often hard-hitting, these messages
                    elucidate on how the universe was created, why life on Earth is so difficult for many and how other planets have
                            managed to avoid Earth’s plight by achieving ascension, oneness and peace. A must read.
                    The Alignment of the Universe is available in print form (RRP $AU17.99) and in e-book format (RRP $AU6.99)
                               from, and other online booksellers.
                                       Expertly channelled through Victoria Cochrane (M.Ed.Hons)

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