Page 36 - International Psychics Directory 2017
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2017 YEARLY HOROSCOPES                            BY KELLI FOX

                               Free iPhone app: Today’s Horoscope by Kelli Fox

            SAGITTARIUS                                          CAPRICORN

                free spirit like you   anxious and tense, spend     ou’ll continue to turn   people. Your diligence
            A  has to occasionally     time with your favourite  Yheads this year.         and professionalism will
            buckle down.               people. They’ll quickly   That’s because intense    make a great impact
            Responsible Saturn’s       lift your spirits. You’ll   Pluto will enhance your   on everyone you meet.
            visit to your Image Sector   become more introverted   natural charisma. Your   Jupiter will move into
            invites you to take better   by 10 October when      dry wit, earthy sensuality   your Social Sector on
            care of your body. Begin   Jupiter moves into your   and forceful personality   10 October, giving you
            a diet of mostly fresh     Seclusion Sector. Take    will be magnified by a    a welcome opportunity
            produce, lean protein      this opportunity to enjoy   power of ten. It will be   to spend more time
            and whole grains to give   solitary activities that   easy for you to command   attending parties, potluck
            you an attractive, robust   appeal to your spiritual   respect from peers and   dinners and other festive
            glow. It’s possible you’ll   side like reading, writing,   superiors alike. This   occasions.
            assume a public role that   praying and communing    is great news for an
            involves taking care of    with nature.              ambitious person like     Home life continues to
            others; it looks as though                           you. Use your influence   bring surprises due to
            you will be protecting the   Your love life will be a   to open doors, both    unpredictable Uranus’s
            interests of a group of    source of excitement      personal, professional    stay in your Domestic
            people. By 19 December,    thanks to unpredictable   and political. This year   Sector. It may be difficult
            the pressure will ease     Uranus’s visit to your    would be a great time     to establish permanent
            when Saturn moves into     Romance Sector. The       to address community      roots due to job demands
            your Earned Income         dynamics between          issues. You could be      or family needs. Learning
            Sector. You may be         you and your partner      successful running for    to bloom where you are
            living on a tighter budget,   could run hot and cold.   office. Fixing stubborn   planted may be your
            but you will have more     Fortunately, these        problems will appeal to   greatest challenge.
            leisure time, which is     extremes appeal to your   your practical nature.    An added measure of
            good news!                 sense of adventure.                                 stability will arrive after
                                       Idealistic Neptune        It looks as though you’ll   19 December when
            Friends will be a          remains in your Domestic   be occupying a prominent   stabilising Saturn enters
            continual source of        Sector, making home life   position due to expansive   your Image Sector. You’ll
            support between 1          a welcome haven from      Jupiter’s tour of your    have greater control over
            January and 9 October      work. A Solar Eclipse on   Career Sector. Being the   your personal life. This
            when benevolent Jupiter    26 February is ideal for   contact person for your   change will come as a
            visits your Social Sector.   purchasing a home or    company will connect      huge relief as you always
            When you become            renovating.               you to impressive         crave security.

          Samantha inherited her psychic gifts from both sides side of the family and has 25 years experience.

                Psychic Medium • Clairvoyant • Clairsentient • Clairaudient
            Tarot • Psychometry • Dream Interpretation • Past Life Readings
                  Remote Viewing • Animal Intuitive • Reiki Practitioner
         Photo Readings • Personal Spellcasting - inc spirit crossing over • Gift Vouchers
                 Phone Readings (Australia Only) • Workshops • Party Plans

                      Samantha is available at psychic fairs and for private readings.
                                                         as seen on Psychic TV

                Samantha Ward                      Sydney, NSW (Eastern Suburbs)
                  Psychic Healer                        Phone: 0400 022 169

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