Page 37 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 37


                       New insights, every day at

       AQUARIUS                                            PISCES

          our personal life will   immaterial. The important   he year gets off to an   far and wide when
       Yundergo empowering       thing is that expanding  Texciting start thanks     Jupiter moves into your
       transformations this      your horizons will attract   to an empowering Solar   Adventure Sector. If
       year. A Lunar Eclipse on   luck. After 10 October,   Eclipse on 26 February.   you’ve always wanted
       10 February causes an     Jupiter will move into    Take this opportunity to   to go on a spiritual
       outmoded relationship     your Career Sector,       move into a high-profile   pilgrimage, plan one
       to fall by the wayside,   triggering a series of job   position or undergo a   during the final three
       giving you greater        opportunities.            makeover. Changing        months of the year.
       freedom. On 7 August,                               your image will give
       another Lunar Eclipse     Becoming more             you a new lease on life.   Professional demands
       could cause you to walk   discerning about the      It will be easier to find   may be heavy for the
       away from a lifestyle     company you keep          ways to express your      greater part of the
       no longer working for     may be your greatest      creativity, fulfil your   year due to ambitious
       you. The Solar Eclipse    challenge because         spiritual needs and       Saturn’s trip through
       on 21 August may          Saturn, the planet of     strengthen your psychic   your Career Sector.
       open the door to a new    restrictions, will be     abilities around this     Work involving
       partnership. Joining      travelling through your   pivotal time.             education, travel or
       forces with a warm,       Social Sector until 18                              the law could be highly
       generous person will give   December. You’ve always   Additional income could   profitable. You could
       you a new lease on life.   had a dizzying array     come through your         also profit from your
       You’ll be open to working   of friends. This year,   romantic or business     considerable artistic
       as a duo, which is big    you’ll become more        partner between 1         talent. In addition,
       news for a free spirit like   interested in the quality   January and 9 October   work with a spiritual
       you.                      rather than quantity of   when expansive Jupiter    component could raise
                                 these relationships. By   tours your Unearned       your profile. If your
       It looks like you’ll be   19 December, when         Income Sector. Don’t      heart is in your work and
       globe-trotting quite a    Saturn moves into your    be surprised when your    you’re highly diligent,
       bit due to adventurous    Solitude Sector, you’ll be   love life becomes more   you will rise to the top.
       Jupiter’s visit to your   ready to confront some    intense and rewarding     On 19 December, Saturn
       Travel Sector between 1   demons. Identifying       during this period. Close   will move into your
       January and 9 October.    and eliminating self-     relationships of all      Social Sector, prompting
       Whether a business trip   sabotaging behaviours     kinds will be enriched.   you to rub elbows with
       or an extended vacation   will become your primary   On 10 October, you’ll    some prominent people.
       around the world is       goal as the year ends.    have a chance to travel

                   Sandor Takacs                     “I have had the gift of sight for as long as I remember. I
                                                     have read for many years, using tarot cards, numerology
                   Psychic Consultant               and helping people from all walks of life.” – Sandor Takacs
             2014 Psychic Hall of Fame Award      Psychic Tarot Reader, Spiritual Counselor, Certified Medium.
          Phone: 02 42674042 Mobile: 0407 464165   Professional Member International Psychics Association.
             Email:              International Spiritualist Federation.
        Website:                Parapsychological Association.

         3rd Generation Medium              MULTI AWARD WINNING CELEBRITY SPIRITUAL MEDIUM
                                SHARNA D’FERN BSYA (par) } Direct Voice Spirit Channeller, a visual and auditory medium.
                       Messages are delivered by channelling her Spirit Guides and your loved ones who have crossed over, without the use of any divination aids.
                       Sharna receives information about your past, present and future, plus your health, relationships, finances, work and all with a high standard
                       of quality and accuracy. Past lives often come through in a reading, particularly when a past life is affecting your present or will affect your
                       future. Sharna has outstanding public recognition internationally and nationally, and is one of the busiest mediums in South Australia.
                             } } ph 0409 093 019

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