Page 38 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 38
Intuitive Impressions
and Techniques
for 2017
by Julie Jara
his year is going feels. If something does not
to be interesting, feel good, ask for insights March May
both on the on how you can change Discernment Priority
Touter and, more it. Your true feelings will
importantly, on the inner, always be the guide for what Tune in to your sensitivity Are you always busy with too
with large changes is right for you and will lead using your gift of much to do? Write down a list
inevitable. While world you to having deeper peace clairaudience (or clear of everything you have to do
events are playing out on within. hearing) and ask for a keyword and make a priority order by
the stage of illusion, take to help discern situations marking each A, B, C or D. A
time for yourself each you encounter. Take a deep is ‘imperative to get done’, B
day for meditation and February breath, mentally ask for a is ‘very important’, C is ‘kind
contemplation. A keyword keyword, then breathe out. of important’ and D ‘does not
and practical technique for Connection The first word that pops into matter’. Do the A tasks first
each month will give you a your thoughts is your keyword followed by the other things to
pivot point to help unfold This month, develop a for that day. Then in the be more relaxed in your day
your psychic sensitivity. deeper connection with evening, reflect upon what this and leaving you with plenty of
If you practise these your sensitivity. In your daily word means to you. time to focus on what’s really
techniques every day practice, sit comfortably and important—your spiritual
you will notice positive take a few deep breaths in growth.
change in your life. Start through your nose and out April
a diary and take notes through your mouth. Imagine
each morning and regroup being fully connected deep Ambition June
around your experiences into the earth. Notice how
in the evenings. it feels. Imagine and notice What areas in your Self-love
the connection from the life would you like to
top of your head (or crown change? Relationships? This month it’s time to focus on
January chakra) out to the universe. Career? Health? Spiritual the most important person in
See yourself as being fully connection? Using your the world: you. Give yourself
Inner Peace connected to everyone else gift of clairvoyance (or time to do things that nurture
Sharon Lymer in this field and having the
First Book “Whispers Ahead of time”true stories vision), meditate on the and feed your soul. Have a
Let’s start by tuning in to help and support of spirit in areas important to you right massage, take a bath with
your true feelings. Each everything you do. Regroup now. Focus on how you can lovely oils, go for a walk in
day, meditate on the events each evening and consider improve and what gifts you nature—anything that makes
coming up and using your how you felt throughout the have to offer. Ask for a picture, you feel good. Think of all the
gift of clairsentience (or day. symbol or impression and positive things about yourself
clear feeling) notice how it draw it. and honour yourself for just
Spiritual Medium Clairaudient Clairvoyant Psychic Remote Viewer
Sharon Lymer Telepathic Communicator Dreamtime Holographic Kinetic Healer Medical Intuitive
Emotional and Physical Healer Private Readings Phone Readings
Dreamtime Beauty Sharon works with the past, present and future realms to provide very specific and highly accurate insights.
Her success is based on a natural ability to develop long lasting relationships with her clients. The numerous
Sunshine Coast, QLD testimonials from very happy and satisfied local and international clients supports the credibility of her
Mobile: 0412 207 074 work. Sharon is available for in person or telephone readings. Phone 0412 207 074 to make a booking. Sharon’s first book ‘Whispers Ahead of Time - a collection of true stories’ is now available.
Simon Brown I am a retired military man. In over 20 years of service, I saw active duty in the Middle East, Peacekeeping
in the Solomon Islands and spent the majority of my service conducting patrol boat operations around the world.
Normalising Spiritualism I was born into a family where psychic matters were very well accepted and as such I feel that my one of
my purposes in life is to normalise the spiritual world for others, to help demystify the psychic experience.
Rockingham Beach, WA I help grieving people find some solace and I provide a way forward for those looking for life’s answers.
Phone: 0412 522 378
E: I conduct myself with the utmost professionalism aligning myself to the ethics as described in the IPA website.
FB: Simon the Psychic Biker OZ
2012 Psychic of the Year (WA)