Page 41 - GEMALA EDISI 12 try version_Neat
P. 41

                (Dedicated to dear You)                                  TAKING CHARGE
               Meeting you                                  A police officer stopped at a farm  and told the farmer,
               Getting to know you                  “I need to inspect your farm for illegally grown drugs.”
               Spending time with you                      The farmer said, “OK, as long as you don‟t go in that field
               On weekly basis                      over there.”
               Learning, studying                          The policeman sneered nastily, “ I think you‟ll find , sir,
               Socialising, chitchatting            that Ii have the authority of the police force behind me.”  He
                                                    pulled out his badge, “See this ?  It means I‟m allowed to go
               Our relationship grow                wherever I want.  No questions asked, no answers given. I‟m in
               Our friendship deepen                charge, understand?”
               Sharing                                     The farmer nodded politely and went about his chores. A
               Secrets, gossips, chocolates         short time later he heard loud screams. He looked up to see the
               Even stationery and books            policeman running for his life, pursued by the farmer‟s massive
               What’s mine become yours             bull.  With every step, the beast was gaining ground. The
               What’s yours become mine             policeman looked terrified.
                                                           The farmer threw on is tools, ran towards the fence and
               There are times                      shouted at the top of his lungs, “Your badge-  show him your
               Without any sound                    badge !”
               We interact, communicate
               Through our eyes
               Through our smiles
               That only we know
               That only we understand
                                                                            BIG CITY MIRACLE
               Suddenly,                                     Visiting a city for the first time a small-town boy and his
               A big movement                        dad are stunned by virtually everything they see – particularly
               Taking you                            two shiny, silver doors that move apart then slide back together
               From me                               again.
               We                                            “What is it, Dad?” asks the boy in wonder.  “Son,” he
               Become                                replies, “I‟ve never seen anything like it in my life.”
               You and me                                    Just then an extremely old woman approaches the doors
               Divided                               and presses a button.  They open, the woman totters inside, the
               Separated                             doors close and the boy and his father watch as a tiny set of
               You and your way                      numbers above the doors light up sequentially.
               Me and my way                                 They continue to watch as the numbers peak, before
               We                                    slowly lighting up again in reverse order.  Then the doors slide
               Become                                open once more, and out steps a gorgeous young woman.
               Total strangers                               Thunderstruck, the father turns to his son and says in a
                                                     hoarse voice, “Go get your mother.”
               Now                                                                        Readers Digest April 2013
               It is just me
               My memories
               Of You

               P/S: Missing ‘we’ now and then.
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