Page 412 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 412
Control Control Activity Control Description
The Mutual Confidentiality Agreement and Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE) details the
Managing relationship and contractual obligations with relationship with DineEquity, including confidentiality and ownership of specifications/formulations.
C1 DineEquity and Brand through periodic review of Mutual DineEquity requires this form be signed as a condition of doing business with Applebee’s or IHOP.
Confidentiality Agreement / Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE) This is an evergreen document that, once signed and executed, needs no further attention, unless
otherwise noted. CSCS is responsible for execution and management of this document.
The Supplier Services Agreement (SSA) is required for all suppliers to do business with DineEquity
Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers via CSCS. It outlines the rules of engagement between the supplier and CSCS. This is an
C2 through period review of the Supplier Services Agreement evergreen agreement unless CSCS elects at some future point to execute a material change to
(SSA) the language. Services providers doing business directly with the Co-op are excluded; i.e., HAVI,
Benefits providers, third party accounting, consultants, etc.
Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers
C3 through period review of the Supplier Services Agreement Addition to SSA
(SSA) Addendum and Business Term
The Distributor Services Agreement (DSA) is required for distributors to do business with
Managing relationship and contractual obligations with DineEquity via CSCS. It outlines the rules of engagement between the distributor and CSCS. This
C4 distributors through period review of the Distributor Services is an evergreen agreement unless CSCS elects at some future point to execute a material change
Agreement (DSA) to the language. Services providers doing business directly with the Co-op are excluded; i.e.,
HAVI, Benefits providers, third party accounting, consultants, etc.
A Request for Information (RFI) is sent to vendors using Havi or manually to secure information
Screening for eligible supplier or distributor by reviewing
C5 about the company, plant capacity, assets, financial disposition, assets, customer base, etc. to
Request for Information (RFI)
determine whether the vendor meets CSCS and DineEquity standards for engaging in business.
Requests for Proposal (RFP) for food, non-food, and logistics contracts is required for CSCS
Selecting eligible supplier or distributor based on reviewing
C6 buyers to obtain the best contract pricing and sustainable supply and creates and even and ethical
Request for Proposal (RFP)
playing field for competitive bidding.
Correspondence between CSCS and QA and between CSCS and Brands showing QA or Brands'
C7 Seeking approval from QA or Brands
approval. For alternate sourcing, CSCS Category Manager must present a business case.
Requests for Proposal (RFP) for food and non-food contracts are subject to approval processes
Seeking authorization and input from Brands and DineEquity
C8 and validation. The Contract Review Notice (CRN) is sent to key Brand constituencies for
through Contract Review Notice (CRN)
feedback or disapproval.
C9 Undergoing the Board of Directors' Review CSCS presents the issue to the Board of Directors for their review
Understanding the terms and conditions as well as authorization
C10 The Contract Guideline provides a framework for tracking key process components and approvals
process through Contract Guideline
Reviewing each contract to understand the scope, terms, The PRC is a Procurement Review conducted by CEO for all contracts over $15M in value or as
conditions through PRC recommended by CPO
Initiated by the Category Managers, sent to brand program team to provide to brand, that provides
feedback to the brands regarding risks due to unique raw ingredients, production lead times,
C12 Risk Assessment Form
min/max production capacity, single source supplier etc. The document requests review by brand
and discussion and/or approval by brands.
Monitoring key, high-risk, and high-value inventory through This process involves monitoring inventory that is key in TLO, menu transitions, promotions, and
Inventory Scorecard/Workbook test
Communicating issues to DineEquity through QA Issue
C14 CSCS communicates issues to DineEquity QA and provides a report of issues and resolution
CSCS holds joint and collaborative discussions with QA and In case of critical events, DineEquity's risk management function initiates conversations to
supplier to determine a solution determine a solution.
In order to contribute funds to Brand conferences, suppliers and distributors are not allowed to
Managing relationship and contractual obligation with
C16 suppliers/distributors through Supplier/Distributor Funding register for conferences without answering questions on the Brand sponsorship registration
website regarding the impact to the cost of goods. Category Managers and Distribution Managers
Questionnaire and Approval
review suppliers' responses and approve or disapprove the funding
Monthly reviewing pricing contracted with several key suppliers
C17 To make sure the pricing charged by supplier is correct
through Formula-based Pricing Audit
Seeking approval from Brands through Authorization for
C18 To seek approval and confirmation from Brands before a purchase
Inventory Purchase (AIP)
C19 Cost impact reports are uploaded onto a secured database. Business Analyst enters the cost impact reports into the secured database.
All CSCS Category Managers have access to the online
C20 All CSCS Category Managers can validate their cost impact reports using the database.
secured cost impact database.
Effectively allocating human resources through Key
C21 Performance Index (especially CPM target setting approved by Team Member Goals is designed for each Associate to identify goals, objectives, and expectations
for the year. Associates use the document to understand their key accomplishments
Effectively allocating human resources and data resources Strategic Planning Process identifies strategic goals and objectives of the organization through the
through Strategic Planning Process entire year. It helps prioritize tasks and initiatives.
C23 Using a third party to manage cash Using Commerce Connections Software to manage cash
C24 Utilizing dual signoff on cash disbursements A cash disbursement requires multiple approvals
Periodically reviewing third-party controls with InfoSync,
C25 Review their internal control processes
Benefits, and System providers
Provide annual antitrust training; CSCS Antitrust Compliance
C26 To make sure all Associates and Board Members understand the legal risks around this issue
C27 CSCS Confidentiality Agreement Between CSCS and Associates, Board Members, and Concept Co-op Members (as needed)
C28 CSCS Information Management Policy This document summarizes the policy governing use of CSCS Information Technology systems
This document includes the company's policies and guidelines for Officers, Board Members and
C29 CSCS Code of Conduct
Associates in their business conduct
C30 CSCS Associate Handbook This document includes the company's personnel policies and guidelines
Managing unapproved purchases with distribution centers
C31 The Analysis looks into unapproved spend by distribution centers
through Unapproved Spend Analysis
C32 Segregation of duties This is a check and balance system to prevent any fraudulent act.