Page 410 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 410

CSCS monitors the prices distributors charge its Members against pricing established through purchasing arrangements negotiated by CSCS.
                                                                                      When CSCS identifies and resolves an overcharge situation with a distributor, CSCS invoices the distributor for those amounts, collects the
                                                                                      overcharges and remits them to the impacted Members.  The invoicing, collection and tracking process works the same as noted above.  These
                                      BP 56  Price Variance Analysis Invoices
                                                                                      transactions all are recorded on the balance sheet (no revenue is recognized since it’s a collection pass-through to the Member) and reconciled
                  Accounts                                                            as part of the standard balance sheet reconciliation process.  Payments to Members for price variance recovery are included on the weekly cash
                                                                                      requirements report and approved through the standard check approval process as noted in the Accounts Payable section of this document.
                  Controls /
                  Processes           BP 57  Membership Fees                          CSCS Business Analyst manages membership fees from Coop's Members
                                      BP 58  Patronage Calculations                   CSCS Controller calculates patronage amounts which will be returned to Members

                                                                                      CSCS collects money from suppliers in support of Applebee’s and IHOP national franchise conventions and passes these amounts back to the
                                                                                      Brands.  This process was established as a means to provide franchisees with visibility to supplier contributions to support the conventions.
                                                                                      Suppliers register for the conferences and commit to certain funding levels through third-party systems contracted for by Applebee’s and IHOP
                                                                                      and not Associated with the Co-op.  Once a supplier registers and commits to a certain funding level, the Brand’s third party organizers generate
                                                                                      an invoice that is payable to CSCS.  The invoices are sent to the supplier, copying the InfoSync Accountant and the CSCS Controller.

                                      BP 59  IHOP and Applebee’s Franchisee Conference Invoices   The collection process and Associated tracking process utilized is the same as noted above.  When payments are received from suppliers, the
                                                                                      CSCS Controller generates a check request to remit those funds to either Applebee’s or IHOP.  The check request must be approved per the
                                                                                      CSCS invoice authorization policy.  Disbursement is through the same process noted above where these payments are noted on the weekly
                                                                                      cash requirements report subject to the same disbursement approval process.

                                                                                      In all scenarios, all accounts receivable balances are reconciled by the InfoSync Accountant, reviewed and approved by the InfoSync Controller,
                                                                                      and the CSCS Controller.  A daily deposit verification report is provided by the InfoSync Accountant to the CSCS Controller, and the CSCS Chief
                                                                                      Financial Officer.

                                                                                      The CSCS Controller sends all necessary and approved changes in payroll and benefits via email or hard copy to InfoSync for processing.  The
                                                                                      email changes are printed and filed by pay period by InfoSync.  The changes are keyed for the appropriate payroll date.  The CSCS Controller
                                                                                      verifies the changes have been made by reviewing each payroll register.  There is a segregation of duties for data input and validation and
                                                                                      approvals at InfoSync.
                  Payroll and                                                         All CSCS Associates are paid via direct deposit.  Payroll checks are only created for new Associates, for a terminated Associate’s final check, or
                  Benefits            BP 60  Data Entry, Reconciliations and Approval  when a new direct deposit must have a pre-note period.  The payroll check printer is in a locked secure area with limited access.  Every pay
                                                                                      period a direct deposit payroll file is generated and uploaded to the bank for payment.  Files are also generated for 401K and HSA contributions.
                  Controls /                                                          Detail of these file transfers are provided to the CSCS Controller.  The Benefit Specialist is responsible for transmission of these files and to
                  Processes                                                           confirm reconciliation of the files.  System generated journal entries for each payroll are auto captured and posted to the monthly financial
                                                                                      statements.  Associate pay advices are sent via overnight mail to CSCS the day before the payroll date for distribution to the Associates.

                                                                                      The InfoSync Accountant provides a cash requirements report with each payroll run and reconciles the GL accounts.  Payroll taxes are
                                                                                      processed by the Payroll Tax group at InfoSync.  Prior to making every payment, the Payroll Tax Accountant sends a notice of pending transfer
                                                                                      to the CSCS Controller, and the CSCS Chief Financial Officer.
                  Administration      BP 65  Business Insurance and Corporate Taxes   CSCS complies with regulatory requirements for business insurance and corporate taxes
                  Human               BP 70  Human Resource Management                This process is about hiring new associates, managing existing associates' performances, and terminating associates.
                  HR Data             BP 75  Personal Files and Related HR Data       This process is about managing personal files and related HR data

                  Asset               BP 80  Bank Account Management                  This process is about managing CSCS bank account
                  Management          BP 85  Hardware assets                          This process is about monitoring and managing hardware assets

                  System              BP 90  System Management                        This process is about managing current systems such as HAVI (integrated supply chain management), Office 365, and Website
                  Management          BP 95  Data Management                          This process is about managing data for the whole organization
                                                                                      This process is about managing communication to Membership regarding CSCS pricing updates, contract status and negotiation, Brand program
                                      BP 1   Communication Management                 updates, logistics & distribution updates, new programs, Board of Director updates, annual reports, patronage and rebate information, and
                  Communication                                                       commodity updates.
                                      BP 2   Website Management                       This process is about managing content and access control  on CSCS Associate website and Concept Co-op websites.

                  Membership                                                          This process includes managing new Member on boarding(proper documents and payment for stock share received, stock certificate issued,
                  Data                BP 3   Membership Management                    concept Co-op website access provided, addition to communication distribution lists, status change/new operator updated in HAVI); off boarding
                                                                                      (redemption of stock share, removal from communication distribution list, removal of access to Concept Co-op website, status change in HAVI),
                  Management                                                          store ownership changes, contact information changes, maintenance of Membership communication distribution lists
                                                                                      This process is about managing the nomination and voting process, including updating the documents, mailing & sending nomination forms and
                                      BP 4   Annual Board Elections                   proxies, creating the proxy statement, tracking the proxies received and votes, sending completed proxies to legal counsel, and preparing ballot
                  Board                                                               for the meeting
                                      BP 5   Director Compliance                      This process is to ensure that all Board Members have completed the appropriate compliance documents and that they are on file at CSCS
                                      BP 6   Board Meeting Management                 This process includes preparing decks for Board Meetings, minutes, binders
                                                                                      This process is to ensure that pricing, DC item mappings, DC mark-ups, and daily feeds from the supplier's, brand's, and distributor's are audited
                                     BP 15 A  Data Integrity Audits
                                                                                      and validated before being integrated into the system (Havi).
                  Analytics          BP 15 B  Price Index (Commodity pricing tracking and forecasting)  This process includes tracking and forecasting commodity prices
                                     BP 15 C  Modified PPI or Performance Tracking of the Co-ops  This process includes measuring the annual performance of the Co-ops agaist the modified PPI.
                                    BP 15 (D)  Commodity Quintile Tracking            Tracking hedging positions of several commodities.
                  Produce DC         BP 690  Produce Distributor Compliance           This process is to assure that produce distributors comply with CSCS's produce spec requirements and purchases are made from approved
                  Compliance                                                          vendors.
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