Page 405 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 405

C6-Selecting eligible supplier based on reviewing responses from   Havi
 BP110  Supplier Selection  / Approval  Procurement  R1-Ineligible supplier or distributor who does not meet  R2, R3, R4,   Request for Proposal (RFP) process, if applicable  Periodic  Preventive  P1  Emails between CSCS and QA
 R5, R9
 CSCS and DineEquity's standards and qualifications
 C7-CSCS engages QA in the selection process. CSCS does not
 move forward with final contracting without QA approval  Facility Approval
 C6-Selecting eligible supplier based on reviewing responses from   Brand notifications
 R1-Ineligible supplier or distributor who does not meet   R2, R4, R5,   Request for Proposal (RFP) process, if applicable
 CSCS and DineEquity's standards and qualifications  Review with the Board evident in
 BP120  Sole Source Supplier Approval  Procurement  R9, R17, R18-  C7-CSCS engages brands and QA in this process. CSCS does not   Periodic  Preventive  P1  Board Material
 R3-Continuity of supply  move forward with final contracting without QA and brands' approval.
 Category managers submit business cases to brands.  Cost savings database & ideas
 C1-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with DineEquity
 and Brand through periodic review of Mutual Confidentiality
 Agreement / Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)  Review of Mutual Confidentiality
 R1-Ineligible supplier or distributor who does not meet   R2, R3, R4,   Agreement / Rules of Engagement
 CSCS and DineEquity's standards and qualifications
 BP125  Supplier Selection for Proprietary Product  Procurement  R5, R9, R17,   C6-Selecting eligible supplier based on reviewing responses from   Periodic  Preventive  P1  (MCA/ROE)
 R18-1  Request for Proposal (RFP) process, where applicable
 R22-Leak of Confidential Information
                                            Brand notifications
 C7-CSCS engages brands in the process. CSCS does not move
 forward with final contracting without brands' approval
 Procurement /   C7-CSCS engages QA in this  process. CSCS does not move   Correspondence between CSCS
 BP 140  Facility Approval  R4-Food Safety  R3, R5  Periodic  Preventive  P1
 Logistics  forward with final contracting without QA approval  and QA showing QA's approval
                                            Correspondence between CSCS
 R2-Ineligible product which does not meet CSCS and   C7-CSCS engages QA, brands, and supplier in the process. CSCS   and QA showing QA's approval
 DineEquity's standards and qualifications  (For Food only)
 BP 150   Product Approval (Food and Non-food)  Procurement  R3, R4, R9  does not move forward with final contracting without QA and brands'   Periodic  Preventive  P1
 Supplier   R5-Compromised product quality  Approved Supplier and Product
                                            List by QA (For Food only)
 Relationship   R3-Continuity of supply  C13-Monitoring key, high-risk, and high-value inventory through
 Management  Procurement/   Authorization for Inventory Purchase, where applicable  Brand Emails
 BP160 &        Supplier Performance Management (DE or CSCS Issues)  Brand   R4-Food Safety  R2, R15, R17,   Continuous  Preventive  S
 BP170  Management  R18-1  C15-CSCS holds joint and collaborative discussions with QA and   PRC Program Summary, if
 R5-Compromised product quality  supplier to determine a solution through Alternate Sourcing Process  applicable
                                            Supplier Services Agreement
 C2-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers   (SSA)
 through period review of  the Supplier Services Agreement (SSA)
 R3-Continuity of supply                    Supplier Services Agreement
 BP 190  Supplier Status Change  Procurement  R4-Food Safety  R2, R17, R18-  C3-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers   Periodic  Preventive  P1  Addendum (SSA-A) & Business
 through period review of  the Supplier Services Agreement (SSA)
 Addendum & Business Terms  Corrective      Terms
 R5-Compromised product quality             Brand and QA Emails
 C15-CSCS holds joint and collaborative discussions with QA to
 determine a solution
                                            Change Control Notifications
 C9-Undergoing the Board of Directors' Review (Audit and Finance   Supplier/ Distributor Funding
                                            Questionnaire on brand
 R11-Fradulent activities which are subject of public   Committee)  registration website and Approval
 scrutiny and investigation
 Procurement /   C16-Managing relationship and contractual obligation with
 BP 210  Supplier Funding & Contributions  R18-1  Periodic  Preventive  P1  CSCS Code of Conduct
 Administration  suppliers/distributors through Supplier/ Distributor Funding
 R9-Damage to brand and company reputation by   Questionnaire and Approval
 unethical behavior or incompetence         Reconciliation Spreadsheet
                                            showing committed vs. received
 C29-Follow CSCS Code of Conduct
 C7-CSCS engages QA, brands, and supplier in the process. CSCS   Correspondence between CSCS
 R4-Food Safety                             and QA showing QA's approval
 Product Audits (Mostly QA Process)  does not move forward with final contracting without QA and brands'   Preventive
 BP 220  Procurement /   R5-Compromised product quality  R9, R15  approval (Integrated Supply Chain System generates Change   Continuous  S  (Change Control Notifications)
 See BP 150 for further details  Control Notifications to QA regarding any change to a product and   Corrective  Approved Supplier and Product
 QA also has access to the system to approve products)  List by QA
 Facility Audits (Mostly QA Process)  R4- Food Safety  Preventive
 BP 230  Procurement /   R9, R15, R16  C7-CSCS engages QA in this  process. CSCS does not move   Continuous  S  Correspondence between CSCS
                                            and QA showing QA's approval
 forward with final contracting without QA approval
 See BP 140 for further details  R5-Compromised product quality  Corrective
 C1-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with DineEquity
 and Brand through periodic review of Mutual Confidentiality
 Agreement / Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)
 C2-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers
 through period review of  the Supplier Services Agreement (SSA),   Mutual Confidentiality Agreement /
 where applicable
                                            Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)
 R1-Ineligible supplier or distributor who does not meet   C3-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with suppliers   Havi Registration
 through period review of  the Supplier Services Agreement (SSA)
 CSCS and DineEquity's standards and qualifications  R2, R3, R4,
 BP 240  Supplier Engagement for New Products  Procurement  Addendum & Business Terms, where applicable  Periodic  Preventive  P2
 R5, R9                                     SSA
 R22-Leak of Confidential Information
 C6-Selecting eligible supplier or distributor based on reviewing   SSA-A, Business Terms
 Request for Proposal (RFP), where applicable
 Product   C7-CSCS engages brands in the process. CSCS does not move   CSCS Code of Conduct
 Development  forward with final contracting without brands and QA's approval
 C29-Follow CSCS Code of Conduct
 † For a new supplier, see BB 100
 R3-Continuity of supply  C1-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with DineEquity
 and Brand through periodic review of Mutual Confidentiality   Mutual Confidentiality Agreement /
 Agreement / Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)
 R4-Food Safety                             Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)
 BP 250  Product Development  Procurement  R9  Periodic  Detective  P1
 C7-CSCS engages QA, Brands, and Culinary in the process. CSCS
 R5-Compromised product quality  does not move forward with final contracting without QA's, Brands',   Price listing summary
 and Culinary' s approval
 R4-Food Safety
 C1-Managing relationship and contractual obligations with DineEquity
 BP 260  Specification Development / Management  Procurement  R5-Compromised product quality  R9  and Brand through periodic review of Mutual Confidentiality   Periodic  Preventive  P1  Mutual Confidentiality Agreement /
                                            Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)
 Agreement / Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE)
 R7-Helplessness in dealing with supplier price   C8-Seeking authorization and inputs from Brands and DineEquity
 increases  R1, R2, R3,   through Contract Review Notice (CRN)  Contract Review Notice
 BP 510  Supplier RFPs  Procurement  R4, R5, R9  Periodic  Preventive  P1
 R8-Fragmentation and loss of procurement   C35-Contract Review via Contract Review Calendar  Contract Calendar
 negotiating leverage
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