Page 409 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 409

CSCS creates menu demand plan
                                     BP 470  Menu Demand Planning                     CSCS collaborates with Brands to plan inventory mitigation for any relevant menu items
                                                                                      CSCS then notifies suppliers, distributors, and other business units
                  Menu                                                                CSCS initiates authorization for inventory purchase policy (AIP). In order to begin production, CSCS and Brands must agree to sign
                                                                                      CSCS category manager notifies supplier of demand and inventory mitigation plan
                                     BP 480  Menu Execution & Management
                                                                                      CSCS inventory manager notifies distribution centers of demand and inventory mitigation plan
                                                                                      CSCS supports roll out meetings and training sessions with inventory if necessary
                                                                                      CSCS uses supplier production data and distributor order data to analyze inventory usage and placement in system on a periodic basis
                                     BP 490  Menu Inventory Management                CSCS collaborates with Brands to determine optimal Brand strategy for minimizing costs, and preparing for inventory mitigation if required
                                                                                      CSCS provide direction to suppliers and distribution centers

                                                                                      CSCS identifies all obsolete inventory and incremental expenses caused through the menu process and notifies all parties as appropriate
                                             Menu Obsolete Inventory and Incremental Expense
                                     BP 500                                           All parties work together and cooperate in the resolution of inventory excesses, shortages, and incremental expense resolution
                                                                                      CSCS execute plan determine by joint collaboration and pay costs as appropriate
                                                                                      CSCS submits list of possible suppliers/distributors to QA
                                     BP 510  Supplier & Distributor RFPs
                                                                                      After receiving feedback/guidance from QA, CSCS submits RFP to supplier/distributor
                                                                                      CSCS decides to award business or new contract from Supplier & Distributor RFP's process
                                                                                      CSCS starts initial rounds of negotiation with supplier/distributor
                                     BP 520  Supplier & Distributor Contracts
                                                                                      CSCS collaborates with QA and Brands in the next processes including supplier/distributor approval, facility approval, and product approval
                                                                                      CSCS pursue further contract negotiation and business allocation, then notify all parties
                  Management                                                          CSCS determines need for alternate sourcing
                  Initiatives        BP 530  Alternate Sourcing - Food                CSCS collaborates with QA and Brands in the next processes including supplier distributor RFP's, supplier distributor contracts, supplier
                                                                                      approval, facility approval, and product approval
                                                                                      CSCS identifies product optimization opportunity and notifies QA
                                     BP 540  Product Optimization                     CSCS works with supplier, QA, and Brands to review samples
                                                                                      CSCS analyzes costs and communicates implications to Brands and QA
                                                                                      CSCS identifies specification alignment opportunities and notifies QA and Brands
                                     BP 550  Specification Alignment
                                                                                      CSCS obtain pricing and contract for Brand standard specification with new supplier
                                                                                      CSCS informs QA of any recall or withdrawal that is communicated by supplier
                                     BP 620  Product Recalls and Withdrawals          CSCS collaborates with QA and Brands in discussing scope, level of involvement, and action plan
                                                                                      CSCS communicates finalized strategy to distributors and suppliers

                                                                                      CSCS notifies critical event and communicates to risk management
                                     BP 630  Critical Event Management (Storms, Fire, etc.)  CSCS collaborates with Critical Incident Team in discussing preparatory action plan for upcoming critical event
                                                                                      CSCS communicates with suppliers and distributors regarding risk management program
                  Management &       BP 640  Product Substitutions                    CSCS identifies issue requiring product substitution and notifies QA and Brands
                                                                                      CSCS communicates product substitution to distributors and suppliers
                  Enforcement                                                         CSCS communicates to QA and Brands when specified product is available again
                                                                                      CSCS identifies unapproved product and informs QA
                                     BP 650  Unapproved Product Purchases
                                                                                      CSCS communicates to distributors enforcement proceedings and bring in approved product
                                                                                      CSCS identifies possible quality issues and informs QA
                                     BP 660  Quality Holds on Products at Supplier or DC  CSCS contacts supplier/distributor to place product on hold
                                                                                      CSCS communicates to supplier/distributor if product is rejected or any corrective action is taken

                  Price Variance      BP 20  Price Variance Analysis                  Team Members analyze reports generated from HAVI data (integrated supply chain management system) to ensure that DCs are not
                                                                                      overcharging Members.
                  Recapture                                                           Analysts also review sales to look for unapproved spend (items DC sold to restaurants that are not approved)
                  Price                                                               Manage pricing and maintain pricing integrity using the Integrated Supply Chain Management System (known as HAVI). Pricing is uploaded onto
                  Maintenance         BP 30  Price Maintenance                        HAVI by vendors and approved via workflow by CMs.

                  Rebate              BP 40  Rebate Management (Freight and Other Product   Category Managers and Vice President of Logistics negotiate rebates through the vendor and freight contract process. Freight rebates are
                                                                                      distributed to Members according to distribution center allocation. Revenue rebates are included in patronage pool. Equipment rebates are
                  Management                 Rebates)                                 distributed to Members according to vendor allocation.
                                                                                      This process is completed by the Vendor Maintenance Clerk in the Vendor Maintenance Department.  Access to the vendor master is limited.
                                      BP 50  New Vendor Setup & Maintenance           This Associate does not have access to enter invoices into the Accounts Payable System.  Conversely, the individual that keys invoices into AP
                                                                                      does not have access to the new vendor setup or maintenance screens of the system
                                                                                      Invoices are received by CSCS and coded to the proper accounting codes by the CSCS Controller.  They are approved via signature on the
                                                                                      invoice per the CSCS Authorization Policy by the appropriate level within CSCS.  Once approved, they are sent weekly to InfoSync for
                                                                                      processing via FEDEX.  A tracking sheet is maintained at CSCS by the Controller of all invoices sent for payment.  This tracking sheeting is
                                                                                      reviewed and signed each week by the CSCS Chief Financial Officer.  The Controller reconciles this list to what is entered in the AP system to
                                                                                      ensure all invoices are processed.

                                      BP 51  Invoice Entry                            Upon receipt at InfoSync, the invoices are entered or uploaded into the AP system by the AP Processor or Accountant.  This individual does not
                                                                                      have access to update the vendor master file.  As part of the entry step, this Associate validates that each invoice has the proper signature
                                                                                      authorization per the CSCS authorization policy.  Invoices are keyed or uploaded into the Accounts Payable System in batches.  Batch totals are
                                                                                      reconciled to ensure accurate input.  The paper invoices are then scanned into a document imaging system.  The invoice image is assigned to
                                                                                      the keyed entry and available for on-line viewing.  Duplicate invoice numbers get flagged by the system for resolution.  Hard copies of invoices
                                                                                      are kept for three months and then destroyed.  The invoices to be destroyed are kept in a locked container and shredding takes place outside the
                                                                                      building by secure means.  No one at CSCS has access to enter invoices into the Accounts Payable system.
                  Accounts                                                            Typically check runs are executed once per week on Fridays.  Vendor invoices paid per run are based on vendor terms maintained by InfoSync
                  Payable Controls                                                    in the vendor master and approved by CSCS through the vendor maintenance process.  Prior to every check run, a cash requirements report is
                  / Processes                                                         sent by the Accountant at InfoSync to the CSCS Chief Financial Officer and Controller.  This report lists all invoices to be paid in that check run.
                                                                                      All check runs are approved by the CSCS Chief Financial Officer before any checks are cut.  If the check run contains any check greater than
                                                                                      $50K, joint approval from the CSCS President & CEO is required.  These approvals are provided via email and maintained by the Accountant at
                                      BP 52  Invoice Payment
                                                                                      Once the proper approval is obtained, the AP Processor or Accountant creates the check file from the invoices to be paid and emails a request
                                                                                      to Vendor Maintenance to print the checks.  The Accountant or AP processor cannot generate checks from the system.  The check printing
                                                                                      process creates a check register and a positive pay file that is uploaded to the bank.  All checks are printed on blank security check stock.  A
                                                                                      MICR printer is used to print all AP checks.  This printer adds the routing number, bank account, and CSCS authorized signature and all other
                                                                                      necessary check information.  Checks are returned to the AP Processor.  Prior to mailing, the AP Processor reconciles the check register to the
                                                                                      cash requirements report and actual checks. Any required attachments are matched to the checks prior to mailing.

                                      BP 53  Corporate Expense Card Payment           Same process as noted above in Invoice Payments. Original receipts are required for review and approval.

                                                                                      Same process as noted above in Invoice Payments.   All expense reports are reimbursed through ACH.  Once an Associate Business Expense
                                      BP 54  Expense Report Payment                   Report is processed and paid, an email is generated by InfoSync notifying the Associate of the date and amount of their deposit.  All
                                                                                      reconciliation steps that are completed for paper checks are also completed for Associate Business Expense report reimbursement.
                                                                                      The only sourcing fees collected through the invoicing process are dry mix sourcing fees collected by non-USF and McLane distributors.  The
                                                                                      CSCS Controller provides audited amounts to invoice the distribution center to the InfoSync Accountant on a biweekly basis.  Invoices are
                                                                                      generated and emailed to the distribution centers each Wednesday copying CSCS.  The biweekly invoices include all POs that were delivered to
                                                                                      the distribution centers the previous week.  The invoices are automatically added to the aging and an Aging Report is sent to CSCS as part of the
                                                                                      monthly financial package.  The invoicing process creates journal entries that update the appropriate revenue and accounts receivable accounts.
                                                                                      The CSCS Controller maintains a master tracking list of all POs sent for invoicing.  This list is reconciled on an on-going basis against what is
                                      BP 55  Dry Mix Sourcing Fee Invoices            invoiced to ensure all invoices are generated and billed appropriately.

                                                                                      Payments are received from the distribution centers either by check, ACH or wire transfer.  If paid by check, checks are received by the
                                                                                      Controller at CSCS and deposited upon receipt.  The InfoSync Accountant is notified via email of bank deposits made by CSCS.  The
                                                                                      Accountant has view-only access to previous day online bank information.  When the deposits post (checks, ACH, wires), the payments are
                                                                                      manually keyed into the accounting system to relieve the Accounts Receivable and update the Aging Report.  No one at InfoSync can make any
                                                                                      bank transfers or withdrawals.

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