Page 42 - Jurys Employee Handbook 2018 final version 19.7.18
P. 42

Employee Handbook

               from your Doctor or attend a Doctor of the Company’s choice to certify your
               fitness to resume duties.

               You must report any contagious or infectious diseases. These include gastro-
               enteritis,  food  poisoning,  any  form  of  illness  resulting  in  diarrhoea  or
               vomiting,  any  specific  conditions  such  as  septic  cut  or  boil,  skin  diseases
               and  ear  or  throat  infections.    If  you  suffer  any  such  upset  whilst  on
               holiday, you must

               report  this  to  your  manager  on  your  return.    You  should  obtain  Doctor’s
               clearance  before  returning  to  work  in  some  instances.  The  Company  may  also
               require  you  to  have  a  medical  check  for  certain  food  borne  diseases.  The
               above is especially important for employees involved in food handling and you
               must ensure that you are symptom free before you return to work
               9.3  Absence

               It  is  the  Company’s  policy  to  pay  statutory  sick  pay  during  periods  of
               absence  provided  that  an  employee  is  eligible  and  has  complied  with  the
               statutory     and    contractual      rules    relating     to    sickness     absence    and
               notification.  If  you  are  too  ill  to  attend  work,  you  must  contact  the  Duty
               Manager/  Department  Head  no  later  than  two  hours  before  your  rostered  start
               time. You should advise of the nature of the illness and the likely duration.
               If  the  absence  is  longer  than  one  day,  you  must  keep  in  regular  contact  so
               that your Manager is kept informed and know when you are likely to return to

               You must phone yourself and not have someone call on your behalf unless it is
               impossible  for  you  to  make  a  call.  Notification  by  email  or  test  is  not
               acceptable.  It  is  your  responsibility  to  ensure  that  the  appropriate  member
               of  management  receives  the  message,  or  your  absence  will  be  considered
               unauthorised. When you return to work, you will be asked to attend a return
               to work meeting to discuss your absence in line with our Absence policy.
               We monitor attendance closely and you could be subject to disciplinary action
               if  your  attendance  is  not  within  acceptable  levels.  If  you  need  help  or
               support  to  help  you  to  be  able  to  attend  work  more  consistently,  please
               arrange a meeting with your Manager to see what we can do to help.

               If your level of absence is deemed to be excessive, the Absence policy will
               be  applied  which  could  result  in  disciplinary  action  being  taken.  This
               relates  to  your  inability  to  fulfil  your  contract  and  is  not  determined  by
               whether  you  were  genuinely  ill.  More  details  will  be  provided  should  your
               absence levels be of a concern and you will have the opportunity to discuss
               this before any disciplinary action is taken.

               Absence Policy UK

               Absence Policy Ireland

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