Page 7 - Hikayat-Patani-The-Story-Of-Patani 1
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has been maintained in the proper names, toponyms and Malay words
occurring in the English part of the book except in cases where an
Oriental word has been incorporated in the English language (e.g. sheikh
rather than syaikh). Thai words and names occurring in the Malay text
have been spelt according to the Malay spelling of the Abdullah
manuscript; but in the English text the spelling of these Thai words
has been adapted to the accepted scholarly transliteration of Thai insofar
as the Malay spelling has allowed of such adaptation.
For references to the Malay text (and English translation) throughout
the book use has been made of the page numbers of the Abdullah
manuscript printed in the margin of the Malay text (Chapter IV) and
the translation (Chapter V).
In conclusion a few words about the cover adorning the book. Use
has been made for this of an etching included in Begin ende Voortgangh
(Tweede Schipvaert) in illustration of the detailed account of life at
the court of Patani contained therein, as reported by Dutch sailors at
the beginning of the 17th century. The authors realize that the idea
which the Dutch artist formed of a royal picnic in Patani on the basis
of this report is far from realistic. But they have yielded to the naive
charm of this misrepresentation, and trust that the reader will also be
amused rather than annoyed at this cover. In any case they hope that
the book will help to give a better knowledge and understanding of the
Malay world of Patani to both Eastern and Western readers.
ANDRIES TEEUW, University of Leiden.
DAVID K. WYATT, Cornell University.