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P. 29

2:32                  Al-Baqarah                   4
                                  names, then He set them before abode and your livelihood for a
                                  the angels and said, ‘Tell Me the while!’  37  Then Adam received
                                  names of these, if what you say some words [of prayer] from his
                                  be true.’  They said, ‘Glory be Lord and He accepted his
                                  to You; we have no knowledge repentance. He is the Forgiving
                                  except whatever You have taught One, the Merciful.  38  We said,
                                  us. You are the All Knowing, the ‘Go down, all of you, from here:
                                  All Wise.’  33  Then He said, ‘O then when guidance comes to
                                  Adam, tell them their names.’ you from Me, anyone who
                                  When Adam had told them the follows My guidance will have
                                  names, God said to the angels, no fear, nor will they grieve—
                                  ‘Did I not say to you: I know the  39  those who deny and reject Our
                                  secrets of the heavens and of the signs shall be the inhabitants of
                                  earth, and I know what you the Fire; therein shall they abide
                                  reveal and what you conceal?’  forever.’
                                    34 When We said to the angels,  40 Children of Israel, remember
                                  ‘Bow down before Adam,’ they the favours I have bestowed upon
                                  all bowed except for Iblis [Satan]. you, and fulfil the covenant that
                                  He refused and acted proudly you made with Me. I shall fulfil
                                  and became an unbeliever.  We the covenant I made with you.
                                  said, ‘O Adam! live with your Fear Me alone.  And believe in
                                  wife in Paradise and eat freely the message I have sent down
                                  from it anywhere you may wish. which fulfils that [predictions
                                  Yet do not approach this tree lest about the last prophet in their
                                  you become wrongdoers.’  But Scripture] which you already
                                  Satan caused them both to slip possess and do not be foremost
                                  through this and thus brought among those who deny its truth.
                                  about the loss of their former Do not sell My revelations for a
                                  state. We said, ‘Go down from paltry price; fear Me alone.  Do
                                  here as enemies to each other; not mix truth with falsehood, or
                                  and on earth you shall have your hide the truth when you know it.
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