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2:76                  Al-Baqarah                   8
                                  will believe in you when some of days!’ Say [to them], ‘Have you
                                  them have already heard the word received a promise from God—
                                  of God and then, after having for God never breaks His
                                  understood it, they knowingly promise—or do you attribute
                                  perverted it?  When they meet something to God which you do
                                  the faithful, they say, ‘We are not know?’  81  Truly, those who
                                  believers.’ But when alone, they do evil and are encompassed by
                                  say to each other, ‘Must you tell their misdeeds, shall be the
                                  them what God has revealed to inmates of the Fire. Therein they
                                  us? They will only use it to argue shall abide forever,  but those
                                  against you before your Lord! who believe and do good works
                                  Have you no sense?’  Do they are the heirs of Paradise; there
                                  not know that God knows all they shall abide forever.
                                  that they conceal and all that  83 Remember when We made a
                                  they disclose?             covenant with the Children of
                                    78  There are among them Israel, ‘Worship none but God
                                  unlettered people who have no and be good to your parents and
                                  real knowledge of the Scriptures, to relatives and orphans and the
                                  knowing only their own wishful needy. And speak kindly to
                                  thinking and following only people. Attend to your prayers
                                  conjecture.  Woe to those who and pay the zakat [prescribed
                                  write the scripture with their alms].’ But with the exception of
                                  own hands, and then declare, a few, you turned away [in
                                  ‘This is from God,’ in order to aversion] and paid no heed.
                                  sell it for a paltry price. Woe to  84 When We made a covenant
                                  them because of what their own with you, We said, ‘You shall not
                                  hands have written, and woe to shed each other’s blood, nor turn
                                  them for what they have earned. your people out of their homes.’
                                    They say, ‘The Fire is not You consented to this and bore
                                  going to touch us, and [even if it witness.  85  Yet, here you are,
                                  does], it will only be for a few slaying one another and driving
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