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P. 35
2:92 Al-Baqarah 10
the Truth, confirming that which a thousand years, though even
they already have. Say, Why did such a long life would not save
you kill Gods prophets in the them from [Our] punishment;
past, if you were true believers? and God sees all that they do.
92 Moses came to you with clear 97 Say, Anyone who is an
signs, but in his absence you enemy of Gabrielwho by
worshipped the calf and became Gods leave has brought down to
wrongdoers. When We made your heart [the Quran] fulfilling
a covenant with you and raised that [predictions about the last
the mountain above you saying, prophet in the earlier revelations]
Hold firmly to what We have which precedes it, and is a
given you and listen, you said, guidance and good news for the
We hear, but we disobey, and faithful whoever is an enemy
their hearts were filled with the of God, His angels, or His
love of the calf, because of their messengers, or of Gabriel or
refusal to acknowledge the truth. Michael, will surely find that
Say, Evil is that to which your God too is the enemy of those
faith enjoins you if you are indeed who deny the truth. We have
believers. Say, If Gods abode sent down clear signs to you and
of the Hereafter is for you alone, no one will reject them except
to the exclusion of all others, the wicked. 100 Why is it that,
then wish for death, if you are whenever they make a covenant,
truthful. 95 But they will never some of them cast it aside?
wish for death, because of what Most of them do not believe.
their own hands have sent on 101 Whenever a messenger from
before them; God is fully aware God has come to them, fulfilling
of the wrongdoers. 96 You will that [predictions] which they
find them clinging to life more already had, some of those to
eagerly than any other people, whom the Book was given have cast
even the polytheists. Any of them off the Book of God behind their
would wish to be given a life of backs as if they had no knowledge.