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11 The Heifer 2:107
102 They pursued what the the Prophet, Raina but say,
devils falsely attributed to the Unzurna, and listen to him
kingdom of Solomon. Solomon with attention. a For those who
was not an unbeliever: it is the deny the truth, there is a painful
devils who are unbelievers. They punishment. 105 They who deny
taught people witchcraft, and the truth from among the People
that which was sent down to of the Book, or from among
Harut and Marut, the two angels those who associate partners with
in Babylon. But these two taught God, do not desire that any good
no one until they had said, We should be sent down to you from
are but a trial, therefore, do not your Lord. But God singles out
disbelieve [in Gods guidance]. for His grace whom He wills
So men learnt from them that by for God is limitless in His great
which they caused discord bounty. 106 If We abrogate a verse
between man and wife; but they or cause it to be forgotten, We
harmed no one thereby, except will replace it by a better one or
by the command of God; [on the one similar to it. Do you not
contrary], these people learned know that God has power over
that which would harm them and all things? 107 Do you not know
do them no good, knowing full that the kingdom of the heavens
well that whoever acquired [this and the earth belongs to God
knowledge] would have no share alone? And that there is no
in the Hereafter. Evil indeed was protector or helper for you
the [price] for which they sold
their souls, if only they had a Some people would sit in the
known it. 103 And had they but Prophets company and, by playing on
believed and been mindful of words, make a mockery of his
teachings. For instance, instead of
God, His reward would have been using the unambiguous Arabic word
far better for them, if they had but for May we have your attention
known it. unzurnathey would say raina,
Believers, do not say to meaning our shepherd.