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2:145 Al-Baqarah 16
turn in a direction for prayer that may be, God will bring you all
will please you. So turn your before Him. God has power over
face now towards the Sacred all things. 149 Wherever you set
Mosque: and wherever you may out from, turn your face in
be, turn your faces towards it. the direction of the Sacred
Those who were given the Book Mosquethis is the truth from
know this to be the truth from your Lord: He is not unaware of
their Lord. God is not unaware what you do 150 wherever you
of what they do. 145 But even if come from, turn your face to the
you should produce every kind Sacred Mosque; wherever you
of sign for those who have been may be, turn your faces towards
given the Book, they would never it, so that people will not have
accept your prayer direction, nor any argument against you except
would you accept their prayer for the wrongdoers among them.
direction: nor would any of them Do not fear them; fear Me, so
accept one anothers direction. that I may perfect My favour to
If, after all the knowledge you you and you may be rightly
have been given, you yield to guided. 151 Thus We have sent
their desires, then, you shall among you a Messenger of your
surely become a transgressor. own to recite Our revelations to
146 Those to whom We have given you, purify you and teach you
the Book recognize it just as they the Book and wisdom, and to
recognize their own sons. But, teach you what you did not know.
some of them knowingly conceal 152 So remember Me; I will
the truth. 147 Truth is what comes remember you. Be thankful to
from your Lord; therefore, do Me and do not be ungrateful.
not be of those who doubt. 153 You who believe, seek help
Each community has its through patience and prayer;
own direction in which it turns: surely, God is with the steadfast.
vie, then, with one another in 154 Do not say that those who are
doing good works. Wherever you killed in Gods cause are dead;