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21                    The Heifer               2:196
                                  not consume one another’s unless they fight you there. If
                                  property by unjust means, they do fight you, slay them—
                                  nor offer it as a bribe to the such is the reward for those who
                                  authorities, so that you may deny the truth—  192 but if they
                                  deliberately and wrongfully desist, then surely God is most
                                  devour a part of other people’s forgiving and merciful.  193  Fight
                                  wealth.                    them until there is no more fitna
                                       They ask you about the [religious persecution] and
                                  phases of the moon. Say, ‘They religion belongs to God alone. If
                                  are a means of determining time they desist, then let there be
                                  for the regulation of people’s no hostility, except towards
                                  affairs and for the pilgrimage.’ aggressors.
                                  Piety does not consist in entering  194 A sacred month for a sacred
                                  your houses from the rear. Indeed, month: violation of sanctity calls
                                  one who guards himself against for fair retribution. Thus you
                                  evil out of fear of God is the may exact retribution from
                                  truly righteous one. Enter your whoever transgresses against
                                  houses by their doors and be you, in proportion to his
                                  mindful of God, so that you may transgression. Fear God and
                                  prosper.  190 And fight in God’s know that God is with those who
                                  cause against those who wage  are mindful of Him.  195  Spend
                                  war against you, but do not  for God’s cause: do not cast
                                  commit aggression—for surely,  yourselves into destruction by
                                  God does not love aggressors.  your own hands. Do good, God
                                  191 Slay them wherever you find  loves the doers of good.
                                  them [those who fight against  196  Perform the Hajj and the
                                  you]; a  drive them out of the  minor pilgrimage [umrah] for
                                  places from which they drove  the sake of God. If you are
                                  you, for [religious] persecution
                                  is worse than killing. Do not  a  See pages xiv to xvii of the
                                  fight them at the Sacred Mosque  Introduction.
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