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2:166                 Al-Baqarah                  18
                                  God most. If only the wrongdoers did not use their reason, and
                                  could see—as they will see when were devoid of all guidance.
                                  they face the punishment—that  171  Those who deny the truth are
                                  all power belongs to God, and like animals which hear nothing
                                  that God is severe in punishment. in your call but the sound of a
                                  166  When  they  face  their voice, without understanding its
                                  punishment, those who have meaning. They are deaf, dumb
                                  been followed will disown their and blind. They understand
                                  followers, and all their ties shall nothing.
                                  be cut asunder,  167 those who  172  Believers,  eat  the
                                  followed will say, ‘If we could wholesome things which We
                                  only return to the world, we have provided for you and give
                                  would disown them as they have thanks to God, if it is Him you
                                  disowned us.’ God will thus show worship.  173  He has forbidden
                                  them their actions as a cause of you only carrion, blood, and the
                                  bitter regret and remorse. They flesh of swine; also any flesh
                                  shall never emerge from the Fire. that is consecrated other than in
                                       O mankind, eat whatever is the name of God. But for one
                                  lawful and wholesome on the who is driven by necessity,
                                  earth; and do not follow in the neither craving nor transgressing,
                                  footsteps of Satan; for he is it is no sin. For God is forgiving
                                  indeed your avowed enemy. and merciful.  174  Those who
                                  169 He bids you only to do evil conceal any part of the Scriptures
                                  and to commit deeds of which God has revealed in order
                                  abomination and to attribute to to gain some paltry end, simply
                                  God something of which you fill their bellies with Fire. On the
                                  have no knowledge.  170  But when Day of Resurrection, God will
                                  they are told, ‘Follow what God neither speak to them nor purify
                                  has sent down,’  they answer, them. They will have a painful
                                  ‘We will follow the ways of our punishment.  175  Those are the
                                  fathers,’ even though their fathers ones who have taken error in
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