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13 The Heifer 2:126
118 Those who are devoid of when no human being shall avail
knowledge say, Why does God another. Nor shall ransom be
not speak to us or show us a accepted from any of them, nor
sign? The same demand was shall intercession be of any use
made by those before them; their to them, and none shall be
hearts are all alike. We have succoured. 124 When his Lord
made the signs clear to those tested Abraham with certain
whose faith is firm. 119 We have commands and he fulfilled them,
sent you with the truth, bearing He said, I will make you a
good news and giving warning. leader of men. Abraham asked,
You will not be held accountable And what of my descendants?
for the people of the Fire. He answered, My covenant does
120 Neither the Christians nor the not extend to the transgressors.
Jews will be pleased with you 125 And We made the House
until you follow their ways. Say, [the Kabah] a place of assembly
Gods guidance is the only true and a sanctuary for mankind,
guidance. If you followed their [saying], Make the place where
desires after the knowledge Abraham stood a place of
which has come to you, you worship. We commanded
would not have any patron or Abraham and Ishmael, Purify
supporter against God. 121 Those My House for those who walk
whom We have given this Book round it, those who stay there for
follow it as it ought to be devotion, and those who bow
followed; it is they who [truly] down and prostrate themselves.
believe in it; those who deny it 126 And when Abraham prayed,
will be the losers. My Lord, make this city a city
122 Children of Israel, of peace, and provide its
remember My favour which I inhabitants with fruits, such of
have bestowed upon you, and them as believe in God and the
how I preferred you above all Last Day. God said, As for
other people; 123 and fear a Day those who deny the truth, I will