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9 The Heifer 2:91
some of your own people from impenetrably wrapped [against
their homelands, aiding one whatever you say], but God has
another against them, committing rejected them for their denial;
sin and aggression; but if they they have but little faith.
came to you as captives, you 89 And now that a Book
would ransom them. Surely their has come to them from God,
very expulsion was unlawful for fulfilling that [predictions about
you. Do you believe in one part the final prophet in their
of the Book and deny another scriptures] which is with them,
part of it? Those of you who act they deny itwhereas previously
thus shall be rewarded with they used to pray for victory
disgrace in this world and with a against the disbelieversyet
severe punishment on the Day of when there came to them that
Resurrection. God is never which they recognized as the
unaware of what you do. Such truth, they rejected it. Gods
are they who buy the life of this rejection is the due of all who
world at the price of the deny the truth. What they have
Hereafter. Their punishment sold their souls for is evil: to the
shall not be lightened for them, denial of Gods own revelation,
nor shall they be helped. grudging that He should reveal
87 To Moses We gave the His bounty to whom He chooses
Book and sent a succession of from among His servants! They
messengers after him. We gave have incurred wrath upon wrath.
Jesus, son of Mary, clear signs Humiliating punishment awaits
and strengthened him with the those who deny the truth.
Holy Spirit. But, whenever a 91 When they are told, Believe
messenger came to you with in what God has revealed, they
something which you did not say, We believe in what was
desire, you grew arrogant, calling revealed to us, while they deny
some liars and slaying others. the truth in what has been sent
88 They say, Our hearts are down after that, even though it is