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7                     The Heifer                2:75
                                  may guard yourselves [against your Lord to make it clear to us
                                  evil].’  Yet after that you turned the exact type of heifer she should
                                  away, and but for God’s grace be, for to us all heifers look
                                  and mercy, you would have surely alike. If God wills, we shall
                                  been among the losers.  65 You be rightly guided.’  71  Moses
                                  are aware of those who answered, ‘Your Lord says, she
                                  transgressed in the matter of the should be a heifer which has not
                                  Sabbath, whereupon We said to been yoked to plough the land or
                                  them, ‘Be as apes, despised!’ water the fields, a heifer free
                                  66  We made their fate an example from any blemish.’ ‘Now you
                                  to their own generation and to have told us the truth,’ they
                                  those who followed them and a answered, and they sacrificed it,
                                  lesson to those who fear God.  though they would rather not
                                    67  When Moses said to his have done it.  Then, when you
                                  people, ‘God commands you to [Israelites] killed someone and
                                  sacrifice a heifer,’ they said, ‘Are started to blame one another—
                                  you making a mockery of us?’ God brought to light what you
                                  He answered, ‘God forbid that I concealed— We said, ‘Strike
                                  should be so ignorant!’  They [the corpse] with a part of it.’
                                  said, ‘Ask your Lord to make it Thus God restores the dead to
                                  clear to us what sort of heifer she life and shows you His signs, so
                                  should be.’ He answered, ‘God that you may understand.
                                  says she should be neither too  74 Then your hearts became as
                                  old nor too young, but in hard as rock or even harder: for,
                                  between, so do as you are there are rocks from which
                                  commanded.’  They said, ‘Call streams gush forth; and, there
                                  on your Lord for us, to show us are some that cleave asunder and
                                  what colour she should be.’ He water flows out from them, while
                                  answered, ‘God says she should others fall down for fear of God.
                                  be a bright yellow heifer, pleasing God is not unaware of what you do.
                                  to the eye.’  70  They said, ‘Ask  75 Do you then hope that they
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