Page 31 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 31
2:58 Al-Baqarah 6
caused the clouds to provide 61 When you said, Moses, we
shade for you and sent down for cannot bear to eat only one kind
you manna and quails, saying, of food, so pray to your Lord to
Eat the good things We have bring forth for us some of the
provided for you. Indeed, they earths produce, its herbs and
did not wrong Us, but they cucumbers, its garlic, lentils,
wronged themselves. and onions. Moses said, Would
Remember when We said, you take a lesser thing in
Enter this land and eat freely exchange for what is better? Go
wherever you will. Make your to some town and there you will
way through the gates, bowing find all that you demand.
down and saying, God! Forgive Abasement and destitution were
us our sins. We shall forgive stamped upon them, and they
you your sins and We shall give incurred the wrath of God, for
abundance to those who do having rejected His signs, and
good. 59 But the wrongdoers they killed His prophets unjustly,
changed the words to something because they were rebels and
other than what they had been transgressors.
told. So We sent down upon the 62 The believers, the Jews, the
transgressors a punishment from Christians, and the Sabaeans
heaven, because they were all those who believe in God and
disobedient. 60 When Moses the Last Day and do good
prayed for water for his people, deedswill be rewarded by their
We said to him, Strike the rock Lord; they shall have no fear, nor
with your staff! And there shall they grieve.
gushed out from it twelve 63 [Children of Israel], We
springs. Each tribe knew its made a covenant with you and
drinking-place. [We said], Eat raised the mountain high above
and drink what God has provided you, saying, Hold fast to what
and do not act wrongfully in the We have given you and bear its
land, spreading corruption. contents in mind, so that you