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P. 37
2:108 Al-Baqarah 12
besides God? 108 Do you [all] Christians have no ground to
want to question your messenger stand on, and the Christians say,
just as Moses was questioned The Jews have no ground to
previously? Anyone who stand on. Yet they both recite
exchanges faith for unbelief has the Book, and those who have
strayed from the right path. no knowledge say the same; God
Many among the People of will judge between them on the
the Book wish, through envy, to Day of Resurrection concerning
lead you back to unbelief, now their disputes. 114 Who could be
that you have embraced the faith more wicked than someone who
and the truth has been made prevents Gods name from being
plain to them. But you should mentioned in His places of
pardon them and bear with them worship, and seeks to bring about
until God gives His command. their ruin, while it behoves these
Truly, God has power over all men to enter them with fear in
things. 110 Attend to your prayers their hearts? There is disgrace in
and pay the prescribed alms; any store for them in this world and
good you store up for yourselves, a great punishment in the next.
you will find it with God. 115 The East and the West belong
Certainly, God sees what you do. to God. Whichever way you turn,
111 They declare, None shall ever there is the Face of God. God is
enter Heaven unless he be a Jew all pervading and all knowing.
or a Christian. This is their own 116 They say, God has taken
wishful thinking. [Prophet], say, a son. Glory be to Him!
Produce your evidence if you Everything in the heavens and
are telling the truth. 112 Indeed, the earth belongs to Him; all
those who submit themselves to things are obedient to Him. 117 He
God and act righteously shall be is the Originator of the heavens
rewarded by their Lord: they shall and the earth, and when He
have no fear, nor shall they grieve. decrees something, He says only,
113 The Jews say, The Be! and it is.