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P. 39
2:127 Al-Baqarah 14
grant them benefits for a short 132 and Abraham enjoined his
while and then subject them to sons to do the same, as did
the punishment of the Firean Jacob, My sons, God has chosen
evil destination. this religion for you; so do not
127 And when Abraham and let death overtake you, except
Ishmael were laying the when you are in a state of
foundations of the House, [they submission. 133 Were you present
prayed], Our Lord, accept this when Jacob faced the hour of
from us; for You are All Hearing, death and he asked his sons,
All Knowing. 128 Lord, make us Who will you worship after
submissive to You; make of our me? They answered, We will
descendants a nation that will worship your God and the God
submit to You. Teach us our rites of your fathers, Abraham and
of worship and turn to us with Ishmael and Isaac: the one God;
mercy; You are the Forgiving we have submitted ourselves to
One and the Merciful. 129 Our Him. 134 Those were a people
Lord, send forth to them a that have passed away; what
messenger of their own to recite they did is theirs and what you
Your revelations to them, to teach have done is yours. You will not
them the Scripture and wisdom, be answerable for their deeds.
and purify them. You are the 135 They say, Be Jews or
Mighty, the Wise One. Christians, and you shall be
130 Who but a foolish man rightly guided. Say, By no
would turn away from the means! We believe in the faith of
religion of Abraham? We chose Abraham, who was ever inclined
him in this world, and in the [to God]; he was not one of
Hereafter he shall be among the those who set up partners with
righteous. 131 When his Lord said God. 136 Say, We believe in
to him, Surrender! he God and what was revealed to
responded, I have surrendered us; and what was revealed to
to the Lord of the Universe, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob,