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23 The Heifer 2:213
shall have a good share from 208 Believers, surrender
what they have earned. God yourselves totally to God, and
is swift in His reckoning. do not follow in the footsteps of
203 Remember God during the Satan; surely, he is your sworn
appointed days; for one who enemy. 209 But if you lapse after
hastens to leave in two days, it the clear signs that have come to
shall be no sin; and for one who you, then know that God is
stays on, it shall be no sin for mighty and wise. 210 Are they
him either. This is for one who only waiting for God as well as
fears God. Have fear of God, the angels to come down to them
and know that you shall all be under canopies of clouds, so that
gathered before Him. the matter will be settled? All
204 There are some men whose things return to God. 211 Ask the
views on the affairs of this life Children of Israel how many
may please you. They even call clear signs We have given them.
on God to witness whatever is in Anyone who changes Gods
their heart, yet they are the most blessing once it has come to him
contentious of quarrellers. will find God is stern in
205 212
When he turns away, he sets punishment. The life of this
out to spread corruption in the world is made to appear attractive
land, destroying crops and cattle. for those who deny the truth and
God does not love corruption. they scoff at those who believe.
206 When he is told, Have fear But those who fear God shall be
of God, he is seized by pride above them on the Day of
which drives him to wrongdoing. Resurrection: God bestows His
Hell shall be enough for him. A bounties on whoever He pleases
dreadful resting place. 207 But without stinting.
there are others who would 213 Mankind was once a single
dedicate themselves to seeking community, [but then people
the pleasure of God. God is developed differences], so God
compassionate to His servants. sent prophets to them as bearers