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2:214                 Al-Baqarah                  24
                                  of good tidings and warning,  216  Fighting [in defence] is
                                  and sent down with them the ordained for you, abhorrent as it
                                  Book containing the truth, so may be to you. You may dislike
                                  that He might judge between something although it is good
                                  their disputes. It was only those for you, or like something
                                  to whom it [the scripture] was although it is bad for you: God
                                  given who disagreed about it knows but you do not.
                                  after clear signs had come to  217 They ask you about fighting
                                  them, because of rivalry between in the sacred month. Say, ‘To
                                  them. God by His will guided fight [in a sacred month] is a
                                  the believers to the truth about grave matter; but barring people
                                  which the others had disputed. from the path of God, to deny
                                  God guides whom He will to a Him, and expelling people from
                                  straight path.  214  Do you think the Sacred Mosque are far graver
                                  that you will enter Paradise in His sight; and persecution is
                                  without having suffered like worse than killing.’  They will
                                  those who passed away before not stop fighting you until they
                                  you? Affliction and hardship make you renounce your faith, if
                                  befell them and so shaken were they can. Whoever of you turns
                                  they that the Messenger and the back from his faith and dies as a
                                  believers with him would denier of the truth will have his
                                  exclaim, ‘When will God’s help deeds come to nothing in this
                                  come?’ Surely the help of God world and the Hereafter, and he
                                  is near.                   will be an inhabitant of the Fire,
                                    215  They will ask you what to abide therein forever.  218  But
                                  they should spend on others. those who have believed,
                                  Say, ‘Whatever you give should migrated, and striven for God’s
                                  be for parents, close relatives, cause, can look forward to God’s
                                  orphans, the needy, and mercy: God is forgiving and
                                  travellers. God is well aware of merciful.
                                  whatever good you do.’       219  They ask you [Prophet]
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