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2:225 Al-Baqarah 26
hearing and all knowing. 225 God twice, and then a woman must
will not call you to account for be retained honourably or
any oaths you uttered released with kindness. It is not
unintentionally, but He will take lawful for you to take away
you to task for what is intended anything of what you have given
in your hearts. God is most your wives, unless both fear that
forgiving and forbearing. 226 For they would not be able to observe
those who swear that they will the bounds set by God. In such a
not approach their wives, there case it shall be no sin for either
shall be a waiting period of four of them if the woman opts to
months: if they revert to give something for her release.
conciliation, surely, God is most These are the bounds set by God;
forgiving and ever merciful; do not transgress them. Those
227 but if they decide upon who transgress the bounds of
divorce, God is all hearing and God are wrongdoers. 230 And if
all knowing. 228 Divorced women man finally divorces his wife, he
should wait for three menstrual cannot remarry her until she has
cycles; it is unlawful for them, if married another man. Then if the
they believe in God and the Last next husband divorces her, there
Day, to hide what God has created will be no blame on either of
in their wombs. Their husbands them if the former husband and
have the right to take them back wife return to one another,
within that time, if they desire to provided they think that they can
be reconciled. The wives have keep within the bounds set by
rights corresponding to those God. These are the bounds
which the husbands have, prescribed by God, which
according to what is recognized He makes clear to men of
to be fair, but men have a rank understanding. 231 Once you
above them. God is almighty divorce women, and they have
and all wise. reached the end of their waiting
229 Divorce may be pronounced period, then either retain them in