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27                    The Heifer               2:235
                                  all decency or part from them bear. No mother should be made
                                  decently. Do not retain them in to suffer on account of her child,
                                  order to harm them or to wrong and no father should be made to
                                  them. Whoever does this, wrongs suffer on account of his child.
                                  his own soul. Do not make a The same duties devolve upon
                                  mockery of God’s revelations. the father’s heir [in case of the
                                  Remember the favours God has death of the father]. But if, after
                                  bestowed upon you, and the Book consultation, they choose by
                                  and the wisdom He has revealed mutual agreement to wean the
                                  to exhort you. Fear God and know child, there shall be no blame on
                                  that God is aware of everything.  them. Nor shall it be any offence
                                    232  When you divorce women for you if you desire to engage a
                                  and they reach the end of their wet-nurse for your children,
                                  waiting period, do not prevent provided you hand over what
                                  them from marrying other men, you have agreed to pay, in a
                                  if they have come to an reasonable manner. Have fear of
                                  honourable agreement. This is God and know that God is
                                  enjoined on every one of you observant of all your actions.
                                  who believes in God and the  234  If any of you die and leave
                                  Last Day; it is more wholesome widows, the widows should wait
                                  and purer for you. God knows, for four months and ten days.
                                  but you do not know.  233  And the When they have reached the end
                                  [divorced] mothers should nurse of their waiting period you will
                                  their children for two whole not be blamed for what they may
                                  years, if they wish to complete reasonably choose to do with
                                  the period of nursing; and during themselves: God is aware of
                                  that period the father of the child what you do.  235  It shall be no
                                  shall be responsible for the offence for you to hint at a
                                  maintenance of the mother in a proposal of marriage [to divorced
                                  reasonable manner. No soul is or widowed women] or to cherish
                                  charged with more than it can them in your hearts. God knows
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