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2:250                 Al-Baqarah                  30
                                  handful from it.’ But, except for all truth, for you are truly one of
                                  a few of them, they all drank the messengers.  253  Of these
                                  from it. When he and those who messengers, We have given
                                  believed along with him had something additional among
                                  crossed the river, they said, ‘We them. There are some to whom
                                  have no strength today against God spoke directly and others
                                  Goliath and his warriors.’ But He exalted in rank. We gave
                                  those of them who believed that Jesus, son of Mary clear signs,
                                  they would meet God replied, and strengthened him with the
                                  ‘Many a small group, by God’s holy spirit. Had God pleased,
                                  command has prevailed against those who succeeded them would
                                  a large group. God is indeed not have fought against one
                                  with the steadfast.’  250 When they another after the clear signs had
                                  met Goliath and his warriors, come to them. But they disagreed
                                  they said, ‘Our Lord, bestow among  themselves;  some
                                  patience upon us, make us stand believed, while others did not.
                                  firm, and help us against those Yet had God willed, they would
                                  who deny the truth.’   251  And so not have fought against one
                                  by the command of God they another; but God does whatever
                                  defeated them. David killed He wills.
                                  Goliath, and God gave him    254  Believers, spend out of
                                  kingship and wisdom, and what We have given you, before
                                  imparted to him the knowledge the Day comes when there will
                                  of whatever He willed. Had it be neither trading, friendship nor
                                  not been for God’s repelling intercession. Truly, it is those
                                  some people by means of others, who deny the truth who are the
                                  the earth would have been filled wrongdoers.  255  God: there is no
                                  with corruption. But God is deity save Him, the Living, the
                                  bountiful to mankind.      Eternal One. Neither slumber
                                       These are the revelations nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him
                                  of God which We recite to you in belong whatsoever is in the
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