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35 The Heifer 2:286
other can remind her. Let the If someone does conceal it, in
witnesses not refuse when they his heart he commits a crime.
are summoned. Do not be God knows what you do.
disinclined to write down your 284 All that the heavens and
debts, be they small or large, the earth contain belongs to God,
together with the date of whether you disclose what is in
payment. This is more just in the your minds or keep it hidden.
sight of God; it is more reliable God will bring you to account
as testimony, and more likely to for it. He will forgive whom He
prevent doubts arising between will and punish whom He
you, unless it be ready pleases: He has power over all
merchandise which you give or things. 285 The Messenger
take from hand to hand, then it believes in what has been sent
will not be held against you for down to him from his Lord, and
not writing it down. Have [so do] believers. They all believe
witnesses present whenever you in God and His angels, His
trade with one another, and let scriptures, and His messengers.
no harm be done to either scribe They say, We do not differentiate
or witness, for if you did cause between any of His messengers.
them harm, it would be a crime We hear and obey. Grant us Your
on your part. Be mindful of God; forgiveness, Lord, to You we
He teaches you: He has full shall all return! 286 God does not
knowledge of everything. 283 If charge a soul with more than it
you are on a journey and do not can bear. It shall be requited
find any literate person, for whatever good and
something should be handed over whatever evil it has done. [They
as security. If one of you entrusts pray], Our Lord, do not take us
another with something, let the to task if we forget or make a
trustee restore the pledge to its mistake! Our Lord, do not place
owner; and let him fear God, his on us a burden like the one You
Lord. Do not conceal testimony. placed on those before us!