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3:20 Al-Imran 38
given to themhe who denies touch us only for a limited
Gods signs should know that number of days. Thus the false
God is swift in His reckoning. beliefs which they have invented
20 If they dispute with you, say, I have deluded them in the matter
have submitted my whole being of their religion. 25 How will it
to God and so have those who be when We gather them all
follow me. And ask those who together upon a Day which is
have been given the Book, as sure to come, when every human
well as the unlettered, Do you being shall be repaid in full for
submit yourselves to God in the what he has done? They will not
same way? If they submit be wronged. 26 Say, Lord,
themselves to Him, they are on sovereign of all sovereignty. You
the right path; but if they turn bestow sovereignty on whom
away, your duty is only to convey you will and take it away from
the message. God is observant of whom You please; You exalt
all His servants. 21 Those who whoever You will and abase
deny Gods signs and kill the whoever You will. All that is
prophets unjustly and kill those good lies in Your hands. You
who enjoin justicegive them have the power to will anything.
warning of a woeful 27 You cause the night to pass
punishment 22 their deeds will into the day, and the day into the
come to nothing in this world as night; You bring forth the living
well as in the hereafter; they will from the lifeless and the lifeless
have no supporters. from the living. You give without
23 Have you not seen those measure to whom You will.
who received a portion of the 28 Let not the believers take
Book? When they are invited to those who deny the truth for
accept the judgement of Gods their allies in preference to the
Book, a group of them turns believersanyone who does that
away in aversion. 24 That is will isolate himself completely
because they say, The Fire will from Godunless it be to protect