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43                The Family of ‘Imran          3:80
                                  Muslims] may themselves covenants and fear Him. God
                                  abandon   their  faith  [in loves the righteous.
                                  confusion].  73 Believe only in  77 Those who sell out God’s
                                  those who follow your own covenant and their oaths for a
                                  religion.’  Say to them, ‘Surely, paltry price will have no share in
                                  the true guidance is the guidance the life to come on the Day of
                                  from God.’ [But you think it is  Resurrection. God will neither
                                  impossible that] someone else  speak to them nor cast a look
                                  may be granted [revelation] such  upon them on the Day of
                                  as you were granted—or else
                                                             Judgement, nor will He purify
                                  that they should contend against
                                                             them. For them there shall be a
                                  you before your Lord. Say, ‘All              78
                                                             grievous punishment.  There
                                  grace is in God’s hand; He grants  are some among them who distort
                                  it to whom He wills: for God is  the Book by the way they speak
                                  boundless, and all knowing,  He  to make you think that what they
                                  singles out for His mercy  say is from the Book, whereas it
                                  whoever He pleases. God is the  is not. They say it is from God
                                  Lord of exceeding bounty.’
                                  75                         whereas it is not. Thus they tell
                                    Among the people of the Book  a lie about God and they know it.
                                  there are some who, if you entrust  79  No one to whom God has
                                  them with a heap of gold, will
                                                             given the Scriptures and on
                                  return it to you. But there are
                                                             whom He has bestowed wisdom
                                  others of them who, if you entrust
                                  them with a single dinar, will  and prophethood would say to
                                  not return it to you, unless you  men, ‘Worship me instead of
                                  keep demanding it from them.  God.’ [He would say rather], ‘Be
                                  That is because they say, ‘We are  devoted servants of God, for you
                                  under no obligation towards the  have taught and studied the
                                  gentiles.’  They deliberately tell  Scriptures.’  Nor would he
                                  lies about God.  76 Indeed God  enjoin you to take the angels and
                                  loves those who honour their the prophets as your lords; how
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