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3:102                 Al-‘Imran                   46
                                  guided to the straight path. the truth!’  107  But as for those
                                  102 Believers, fear God as is His with shining faces, they shall
                                  due, and when death comes, be abide forever in God’s grace.
                                  in a state of complete submission  108  These are God’s revelations;
                                  to Him.  103 Hold fast to the cord We recite them to you in all
                                  of God and let nothing divide truth. God desires no injustice to
                                  you. Remember the blessings He mankind.  109  His is all that the
                                  has bestowed upon you; you heavens and the earth contain.
                                  were enemies and then He united To God shall all things return.
                                  your hearts and by His grace you  110 You are indeed the best
                                  became brothers; you were on community that has ever been
                                  the brink of an abyss of Fire and brought forth for [the good of]
                                  He rescued you from it. Thus mankind. You enjoin what is
                                  God makes His signs clear to you, good, and forbid what is evil,
                                  so that you may find guidance.  and you believe in God. If the
                                    104  Let there be a group among People of the Book had also
                                  you who call others to good, and believed, it would have surely
                                  enjoin what is right, and forbid been better for them. Some of
                                  what is wrong: those who do this them are true believers, but most
                                  shall be successful.  105  Do not be of them are disobedient.  111  They
                                  like those who, after they had can do you very little harm; if
                                  been given clear evidence, split they come out to fight you, they
                                  into factions and differed among will show you their backs; then
                                  themselves: a terrible punishment they shall not be helped—
                                  awaits such people.  106 On the  112  abasement shall attend them
                                  Day when some faces are bright wherever they are found, unless
                                  and some faces are dark, it will they make a covenant with God
                                  be said to those with darkened or with man. They have incurred
                                  faces, ‘Did you reject faith after God’s wrath and have been
                                  accepting it? Taste, then, this utterly humbled, because they
                                  punishment for having denied have persistently disbelieved in
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