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P. 74

49                The Family of ‘Imran         3:147
                                  their Lord, and Gardens with strive hard for His cause and
                                  rivers flowing through them, endure with fortitude?  143  You
                                  where they will abide forever. were longing for death, before
                                  How excellent will be the reward you met it. Now you have seen it
                                  of those who do good works. with your own eyes.
                                  137 There are many examples [of  144  Muhammad is only a
                                  the communities] that have messenger. Messengers have
                                  passed away before you: travel passed away before him. If he
                                  through the land, and see what should die, or be killed, will you
                                  was the end of those who rejected turn back on your heels? Those
                                  the Truth.  138  This Quran is an who turn on their heels do not
                                  exposition for the people and a harm the Lord in the least. God
                                  guidance and admonition for will reward the grateful.  145  No
                                  those who fear God.        soul shall die except with God’s
                                    139  And do not become faint of permission and at an appointed
                                  heart, nor grieve—you will have time. And if one desires the
                                  the upper hand, if you are rewards of this world, We shall
                                  believers—  140  if you have grant it to him; and if one desires
                                  suffered a wound, they too have the rewards of the life to come,
                                  suffered a similar wound. We We shall grant it to him. We will
                                  bring these days to men by turns, reward the grateful.  146  How
                                  so that God may know those many a prophet has fought with
                                  who believe, and choose many devout men alongside him!
                                  witnesses from among you; and They did not lose heart, despite
                                  God does not love the unjust, all that they had to suffer in
                                  141 so that God may purge those God’s path. They neither
                                  who believe and wipe out those weakened nor yielded. God loves
                                  who deny the truth.  142 Do you the patient!  147  All they said was,
                                  suppose that you would enter the ‘Our Lord, forgive us our sins
                                  Garden, without God knowing and our excesses. Make our feet
                                  those among you who would firm, and help us against those
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