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3:81                  Al-‘Imran                   44
                                  could he command you to be Jesus and the prophets from their
                                  disbelievers after you have Lord. We make no distinction
                                  submitted to God.          between any of them. It is to Him
                                    81 When God made a covenant that we have surrendered
                                  with the prophets, He said, ‘Here ourselves.’  85 If anyone seeks a
                                  is the Book and the wisdom religion other than Islam
                                  which I have given you. When [submission to God], it will not
                                  there comes to you a messenger be accepted from him; he will be
                                  fulfilling that [predictions about among the losers in the Hereafter.
                                  him in their Scripture] which is  86  How would God bestow His
                                  with you, you must believe in guidance upon people who have
                                  him and help him. Do you then opted for unbelief after having
                                  affirm this and accept the embraced the faith and having
                                  responsibility I have laid upon borne  witness  that  this
                                  you in these terms?’ They said, Messenger is true and [after] all
                                  ‘We will affirm it.’  God said, evidence of the truth has come to
                                  ‘Then bear witness, and I will them? For, God does not guide
                                  bear witness with you.’  Now such wrongdoers:  such people
                                  whoever turns away after this, will be rewarded with rejection
                                  are surely transgressors.  83  Do by God, by the angels, by all
                                  they seek a religion other than mankind.  88  In this state they
                                  the religion of God, when shall abide forever; their
                                  everything in the heavens and punishment shall not be lightened
                                  the earth has submitted to Him, nor shall they be granted respite.
                                  willingly or unwillingly? To Him  89  Except  for  those  who
                                  they shall all return.  Say, ‘We afterwards repent and reform.
                                  believe in God and in what has God is forgiving and merciful;
                                  been sent down to us and to  90  but as for those who are bent
                                  Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob on denying the truth after
                                  and the Tribes. We believe in accepting the true faith and grow
                                  what has been given to Moses, in their refusal to acknowledge
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